Chapter 17: No NO NO!

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"Thank you good sir! I am glad that we could come to an agreement!" Josh came back out of Vaughn's office.

I managed to get out of there quickly without being seen by them two.

Oh CRAP fuck fuck WHAT DO I DO??

I went over to Fiora and Skyla and frantically told them everything I heard.

"What? How is he EVEN here?!" Fiora asked super confused.

"I don't know, all I know is that we need as much strength we need. Skyla you're a 5.0 right?" I asked.

"Um actually I went from 5.0 to a 9.5 last time we met which was um 6 months ago I think?" Skyla had remembered and informed me.

"We are the hierarchy of nine's" Fiora laughed.

"This is no time for laughing, Josh is going to escort us with him to harvest our abilities. That's what the documents said so we CANNOT fail at all OK?!" I harshly said.

"Um OK?" Skyla said a little intimidated.

Just as expected Josh walked up to us and smirked "You have to come with me." He had some ability disabling device on his wrist so we couldn't use our powers at all. "I am going to have fun with you three, especially with the girls."

Oh shit, fuck I need to figure out how to get my ability working ASAP!

Soon a group of EMBER soldiers soon surrounded us and escorted us to a van that would take us to EMBER HQ.

Luckily for me I was a Champion reject so I know EXACTLY how to get my ability working.

I just need to make sure I reactivate it before Josh again.

John POV:

"Damn it not enough" I said to myself checking my Tier-O-Meter than my dad had bought me several years ago. "I am only 8.0 now."

I knew at the base 7.5 I couldn't defeat the man who had assaulted Sera, not even a couple 9 ranks couldn't. My goal was to actually to reach level 11.0 because then I could do some serious damage. I want to make sure he will PAY for what he did. 

I had signed up for a special gym that helps train abilities, I have been here ever since I heard Seraphina was attacked.

She hasn't been to Wellston for a long time and instead was at mental facility getting help.

I have been here for hours now, I should probably just head home.

I packed up my training equipment and left the special gym, as I got in my car and began to start heading back to the dorms.

As I was driving and seeing several exit signs, I saw one that was for the facility that Seraphina was in.

I decided that I should go give Seraphina a visit, she may need the support after all.

I steered my car to that exit and starting heading to the facility.

I hope she's OK, I don't know WHAT I'll do if she is super upset still.

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