Chapter 16: Unexpected But Expected

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I had helped Blyke into the infirmary, the doctor immediately asked what had happened. "We just had a title math is all." I explained simply. I dropped him off there and kept watch on him, just trying to make sure I didn't accidentally had hurt him too much. 

Soon his friends, Isen and Remi came busting through the door. "Is he OK?!" Isen shouted as he rushed towards him, Remi came up to me and slapped me really hard and yelled "The fuck did you do that for?!"

To be honest I did deserve that a little.

"I get it, you hate me right now. If you knew what I knew you would understand." I simply said.

Out of anger Remi tried to electrocute me but since electricity is a form of energy ( and energy thunder is one of my move sets ) I simply absorbed it and sighed. I looked back at them and said "I am so sorry I did this to your friend, I'm sorry." I said sympathetically.

I noticed Fiora was standing by the lockers I assumed she was waiting for me.

"Nice match you had, it was very amusing." She smirked. 

"*sigh* Thanks I guess but I wish there was way to do it without me looking like an asshole now." I said.

"You could have just challenged him." She suggested. "You didn't really HAVE to fight him out of the blue like that but I still thought it was amusing nonetheless."

I opened up my locker and fitted on my smartwatch that had finish charging ( I had a power bank in there ) "I guess but IDK I sense that something is going to happen in the near future and I just thought the sooner I am King the quicker I can protect Wellston. But once I am finished I'm giving the title BACK to Blyke. I don't need it."

"So what are you going to do then?" Fiora leaned on her locker.

"From experience as a reject of EMBER, I know that they began with the hierarchy when they want something from the school. So I need to prepare myself, especially since my energy PHYSCIAL attacks won't work on Josh's Shadow ability I have to figure out how to make attacks that COULD work, not even my energy drain works that well on him." I explained.

"Maybe I could make an effective ability using Josh's ability tho I need something better in the mix cause last time I couldn't make anything useful with just Aura Manipulation and Energy Manipulation." Fiora thought.

"Hey! There's a girl here with a light-type ability, maybe that with Josh's ability can make something SUPER effective!" I had a brilliant idea.

"Well I need to find her FIRST." Fiora sighed.

I noticed from the corner of my eye John had walked up to us and was listening to our conversation "Interesting you two would be talking about stuff only Blyke and Remi would care about." he said.

"That's because I am the King now." I scratched my head.

"WHAT!?" John exclaimed "No way."

"Yeah, I'm trying to build a strong hierarchy cause I know for a fact EMBER will attack Wellston." I explained "You could replace Isen as the Jack John, we need you." 

"Big hell no, I am not nope nada. Not even if you offered the King title I would still say hell no." John answered.

"Wait doesn't the King and Queen choose who the Jack is as well?" Fiora added.

"True." I said.

"Nope, I am not. I will find Josh and fucking kill him for what he did to Sera but I never joining the dumb hierarchy again." John walked away annoyed.

"Don't worry I got a back-up plan." I smiled at Fiora "Don't worry."

Luckily there are a couple more people at Wellston I could ask. Arlo and Skyla. Skyla is actually Infinity in disguise and plus she and I got along fairly well so I knew I could count on her, plus her ability is ACTUALLY effective against Josh. 

Although she goes to a different class at the opposite side of Wellston so I had to Energy Boost to the other side. Took me less than 1/3 of 0.1 of a second. No wait less than that.

Class was just over so I managed to spot her. "Hey Skyla!" 

She turned around and looked at me "Oh Hi, what's up?" She smiled.

"I just came here to ask you if you wanted to join the hierarchy. Fiora and need a Jack so um you up for it?" I asked rather awkward.

"Oh sure! I don't mind." She accepted the offer 

"Awesome! Thank you, well I have to go tell Isen the bad news haha but um thank you very much!" I had thanked her.

OK we have a strong hierarchy. We are stable at the very least.

As I began to walk away and back to Fiora I saw a gray haired, gray eyed 25 yo man walking down Wellston halls in a suit.

Hey wait a minute WHAT IS JOSH DOING HERE!? Damn it I fucking knew IT!!!

I began to follow him but rather quietly, soon I realized he was about to walk into Vaughn's office, the principal.

"Hey wait a minute! The fuck are you doing here?!" I answered rather pissed. I had an energy blade down my arm ready.

He turned at me and simply stated:

However he didn't attack me and just scoffed at me

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However he didn't attack me and just scoffed at me. I quietly drilled a hole in the wall with a small tiny beam, just so I could hear.

I could hear them talk about negotiating about using my hierarchy for help with his organization with research. 

Josh made it sound like he was part of an ability research team and would greatly would like our help.

Shit shit shit, he's gonna convince Vaughn and then all of us will be trapped with his pedophile fucker! Oh crap what if he does it to Fiora and Skyla!? Damn it how do I stop it?!

I began to have a panic attack and just sat there on the floor over thinking

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