Chapter 4: One Step Ahead

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- Wellston High, Next Day -

Today I finally could actually ATTEND school I blended in fine one the crowd of idiots trying to get inside to get some useful stuff the would forget.

No one knew yet I was the most powerful of all of them so I would have to establish my place, its not a priority though.

I soon as I got in however I began putting some belongings in a locker of mine.

However I was interrupted by a pink haired girl.

"Hello!" She smiled at me.

"Hey." I plainly said back, not giving a shit.

"My name is Remi. I'm the Queen of this school, I think I'm supposed to give you a tour of the the school." She explained.

Queen? Now you have my attention girl.....

"Oh OK sure." I replied with a change of attitude.

She showed me through the place, I wasn't really paying attention mostly because I really didn't care about Wellston High.

30 minutes had gone by and I didn't even realize it, she burst my mental bubble when she shouted "So what did you think?"

I had to think of a generic answer as fast as possible. "Um I thought it was OK."

"Anyways as I said before my name is Remi, what's yours?" She asked.

"Its Fiora."

"That's a pretty name" she commented.

Bitch I'm not lesbian, get the fuck away from me with that shit.

"Um thanks?" I responded with a face.

"Like I said I'm the Queen here my ability is lightning if you wanted to know." She said.

"Oh, that's interesting." I thought.

Interesting ability, more importantly what us her level? Is she a cockroach to squash or is she something comparable?

"What about you?" She asked.

"Oh me? I was queen several times back at my old schools. I never was defeated." I relayed to her.

"Wow that's crazy." She said amazed.

"My own ability is Fusion." I told her.

"Huh I wonder what it does?" She wondered as we were walking to the first class.

"You'll see soon." I teased.

She began to separate from me and start walking in a different direction. "My class is somewhere else, by the way my level is 5.4 so I hope you are prepared" she winked at me.

Haha you think 5.4 scares me? You'll be easy to throw you out into the garbage. Also why the fuck did you wink at me???

I swear I must look like a lesbian and shit.

- 3 Hours later -

Lunch, fucking lunch.

I hate it.

Its always full of hungry little idiots.

Luckily I brought my own food so I will not have to be waiting in line like a low life.

I just grabbed my lunch from my locker and began finding a place to sit down, luckily there was a vacant table so I sat there.

It was off in a corner and it seemed no one cared about it.

As soon as I sat down I heard someone say "Excuse me?"

I looked up and saw a raven haired boy, a purple haired girl and a blue and brown haired boy.

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