Chapter 11: Trickery

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- Wellston Dorms -

I was sitting down watching TV wearing my most comfortable gray hoodie, I felt so snug and free to zone out.

That is until my phone began ringing.

I groaned and turned around to stretch and reach it.

I looked at my phone and saw the caller ID was John.

The fuck, why would he be calling me? Maybe to join him some video game.

I picked it up and placed it near my ear.

"Hello?" I answered kind of weak and annoyed.

"Hey something happened to Sera!" I heard in a semi frantic voice.

"What?" I asked confused. "What do you mean something happened she's an 8.0??"

"Um its bad." John mumbled.

"OK, what happened?" I asked again confused.

"Sera has been, raped badly." He said sadly. "I just wanted to tell you.

"Oh shit how?!" I felt shocked by the news.

Oh I know who did this, I fucking know who did this!

"I don't know! Sera said he had some shadow ghost ability thingy?" John tried to explain.

"I don't think I'm gonna go to the thing tomorrow, I'm gonna stay here with Sera." John said.

"No I need you there tomorrow, it involves Seraphina more than you think." I told him.

"W-What?" John hesitated "What do you mean?"

"I'll explain later, just come to the league tomorrow OK?" I told him "You won't regret it."

"Um OK I guess." John agreed.

I had decided that I wouldn't tell anyone else unless they wanted the other students to know.

I already knew in mind who did this to her, especially since I knew for a while he was already targeting her.

I think I'll tell John who might have done it.

"Alright, do you need me to visit?" I asked.

"Um no thanks, but thanks for putting into consideration.

"OK, I'll speak to you later then." I finished.

I sighed and put my phone in my pocket.

I'm so sorry this happened to you too, I'll make sure to make up for it.

- National Ability League -

I had everything I needed hidden in my pocket, I looked around for the other two who just happened to show up as soon as I began spying around for them.

"I can't wait to beat your ass when I get there!" Fiora commented.

"Uh huh" I said.

There was a big festival, balloons, loud music and so much food being handed out.

It looked so cool if it weren't for the motives behind this.

"Maybe this was a bad idea." John thought, I leaned towards him and whispered "Remember, this is about Seraphina"

"I'm going to get a hot dog, you guys want one?" Fiora asked.

"Um make sure you get ones from third party vendors" I told her "The official vendors have poisoned the food."

"Poisoned?" Fiora opened her eyes, "Wait what do you mean?"

"Umm they have ability disablers in them" I explained quietly.

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