Chapter 30: Skyla's Idea

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Emerson POV, Wellston High afterhours:

Ah I have such a big headache, I probably should stop getting involved so much in this stuff I'm too young for it anyways. I should just get back to having a normal education once I'm finish with EMBER.

To be honest I was dreading this entire thing and was seriously considering going back home to be homeschooled again because I was so fed up with all this drama.

Walking home was always a breeze since I was very well skilled in the speed department, I basically had a speed ability.

Well actually I had more I mean my ability is fucking awesome.

Anyways I had decided to sit down on the park bench since I started feeling nauseous, probably because I drank too much coffee.

As I sat down down a black and green haired girl started hovering over me.

I looked up and it was Skyla.

"Ugh what?" I groaned, I felt too sick I might as well have thrown up right then and there.

"So you work for EMBER now right?" She began.

"I AM EMBER now." I explained simply.

"OK whatever, what happened to Josh?"

"He actually is the head of a competitor organization and just wanted to throw his dual position at EMBER away to someone else since he thought it was worthless now." I said "Well he didn't say it was worthless but treated it like that."

"So he STILL has plans, I mean you know what I mean right?" She asked.

"Yes but since I now lead EMBER it would be a little easier to stop him, I dunno. Like I returned Seraphina's ability."

"Yeah but he still needs to be stopped right?"

I sighed really annoyed by the way she was talking me but I answered "Short answer, yes."

"SO I was thinking since Josh will most likely have goons doing stupid drug missions and shit I was thinking we do vigilantism again! Like we can be the force against Josh DIRECTLY!" She thought.

I got up and exclaimed "Are you crazy!? He already thinks I'm his ally! The LAST thing I want is for him to think I'm his enemy AGAIN!"

"No but here me out, you have the ability to inject and remove abilities right? What if you replace our abilities temporarily with different ones, dye our hair and change our names and have a different identity to fight Josh's whatever the fuck they are doing goons. I mean we can work on taking on Josh in our normal state and fight his minions on the street in our 'hidden' state if you know what I mean." She explained her plan to me.


"Wait why?!" She asked.

"Because I am NOT willing to mess with abilities ESPECIALLY our own, I'm sorry but no." I answered. 

"But wait! Josh will worry about us AND our alternate identities thinking we are two separate things when we are really one of the same!" She added.

I paused for a minute and took in what she said, it definitely help my war against him, especially what he had done to Seraphina.

"Alright look I am NOT going to fuck around with our abilities removing them and shit BUT here's what I can do." I started.

"I'm listening." Skyla said all excited.

"EMBER developed a technology called an Ability Watch, it's an artifical ability placed in an enclosure the shape of a watch. Its used for temporary or cripple use who need a quick use of the ability, it's not particularly strong BUT it will get the job done without having to mess with anything. However when you put on the watch and use it, your natural ability doesn't even work until you rip the watch off." I explained the technology.

"OK OK OK! So is it a yes then!?" She got excited.

"Alright FINE but I ask that you bring a couple people too, we can just be a secret resistance group OK?" I told her.

"I'll bring Fiora, Blyke maybe Remi and John" She said. "Is that OK?"

"That's perfect, OK just bring everyone to the EMBER HQ at 5:30 and we can start planning and such."

"OK cool! I'll see ya then!" 

She waved by and ran to go find the others, I sighed mostly because I was sick.

Then I threw up on the ground.



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