Chapter 15: Clash of Energy

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"Ah! What the fuck?!" Blyke SOMEHOW dodged

Already I knew I was acting like an ass but I decided to keep going, I summoned energy spikes from the ground and started surrounding him with them. 

"I'm sorry but this is for Wellston's own good." I said soullessly.

Isen's face looked totally surprised and he himself was confused as to what was going on, I don't blame him cause I did this out of the blue JUST to save time.

"If you want to fight damn it why didn't you fucking challenge me?!" Blyke yelled.

"Because, I can't waste any time waiting for an appointment with Dr. Blyke to have my teeth cleaned." I calmly said back.

Blyke just looked at me disgusted and started firing at my large spikes that surrounded him, he then proceeded to dash away.

He blasted away with his energy beams pushing him away like a rocket, so I decided to infuse my body with energy just so I could run up to him and catch him.

"The fuck are you doing?!" Blyke yelled at me. 

My plan was to actually attack him OUT of Wellston so that way I don't actually destroy the school, I'm not an idiot duh.

He actually was pretty fast although NOT faster than me but still decent, he and I basically played cat and mouse all around the school. 

"Look damn it I am not in the mood to fight JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!"

"I can't do that, sorry" I said as I halted and immediately had him crash into a energy wall.

I got back up and started firing energy beams at me, which I simply absorbed.

"You have an absorption ability???" Blyke questioned.

I summoned up energy discs and flung them at him, he tried shooting them down but mine were stronger and had cut him pretty harshly.

"Nope, I just have Energy Manipulation, basically I'm you but better and more versatile." I explained.

Well actually my ability was more than just better than Energy Discharge but that's the simplest way I could put it.

"Why are you even fighting me?!"

"I need that King title, not for power like previous ones but for a different reason. You'll understand later on" I explained.

He looked at me like I was saying something stupid and got both of his hands and fired beams at each finger tip, he also summoned up several red orbs to fire all around me.

I simply stood there as I just took the beams, actually absorbing them so that way I could have more stamina.

"Damn it why is my attacks not working?" Blyke mumbled to himself 

I didn't want to cause much more physical damage to him and to be honest I felt bad for him, being attacked out of the blue for a reason that wasn't even explained to him properly. I had decided to end it right then and there.

I aimed my hand at him, my hand turned a bright neon blue and began draining his body energy. Suddenly he look exhausted and had trouble breathing before he finally collapsed.

Don't worry, I'll explain and make it up to you later. I am so sorry but I had to do this.

Soon a couple minutes passed and it was clear I was the winner and the brand new King, I ran over to him and placed my hand on him. My hand again turned neon blue but this time instead of drawing energy I began distributing energy onto him reviving his bodily energy. I'm not that cruel.

Blyke started coughing and got back into his sense again. "Wh-what happened?"

"C'mon lets get you back inside, you're in a pretty rough shape." I said as I helped him up.

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