Chapter 20: A deal?!

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Emerson POV:

I kept going and slashing down walls until I finally found the secret room where all past and current EMBER leaders have resided.

I took I look around and made sure there was no one else to go ahead and attack me.  The coast was clear.

However I did see a black shadow sweep under the door so I knew the Josh was here now. 

Pausing and taking a deep breath I sighed and prepared for what lied ahead.

I opened the door and entered the room, for some reason it wasn't locked, suspicious I still went in

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I opened the door and entered the room, for some reason it wasn't locked, suspicious I still went in.

 Opening the door, I noticed Josh was there sipping some coffee looking like he was bored or something.

"Oh hey, it's you." Josh said sipping his drink.

"Why'd you say it like that?" I asked confused. "Aren't you gonna try to shoot me or something?"

"Nope." Josh replied. "Mostly because I have no reason to." 

"Ah I see." I replied rather confused and on-guard. "I wonder fucking why."

I had my ability on and I had a blue aura glowing in my hands ready to attack when needed.

"You don't need to have your ability ready, I am in no mood to fight." Josh sipped his coffee.

"Yet you are always in a mood to rape young girls or steal abilities." I yelled.

Josh got up and put his drink down and just sighed. "Eh you could say that. I don't think you realize Seraphina was the only one I did it too, no one else."

"And during the National Ability League I used a shadow clone to go ahead and steal all those god tier abilities. Precisely why You, John, Fiora couldn't defeat it, only Skyla could cause my shadow clones have a weakness to gravity. If you three DID fight me you could have stood a good chance against me. Shadow clones are just that, shadows." Josh explained.

"Well thanks for the info you jerk!" I said mad. "I got my ability working again and I am going to make sure you pay!"

"Pretty cool you knew how to get it back. Now what I wanted to do was make a deal, not fight." Josh said.

"A deal?!" I asked shocked.

Josh got up from his desk and said "Follow me, don't worry I'm not gonna do something stupid or schemey right now."

I had my suspicions but alas I chose to follow him just to see what he was going to, I made sure I kept a look out for any traps.

"You see EMBER made a mistake rejecting you as the next Prime Champion." Josh started.

"Yes a mistake, you see when you were in the final process they looked at the wrong document file of someone else with a similar ability but with much less potential and confused it for you and rejected you

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"Yes a mistake, you see when you were in the final process they looked at the wrong document file of someone else with a similar ability but with much less potential and confused it for you and rejected you." Josh explained. "Although that was during the Volcan rein, once I had took over I fired everyone who was part of that rein and hired much more capable ones. Hadn't it been for their stupidity you would have token over instead of me." 

"OK well I don't care anymore, you see me trying to fight against EMBER?" I said harshly. 

"Yeah I know but I want to make a deal with you. If you can aid me harvesting Fiora's, Skyla's and John's ability then I will make you immediately the new leader and you can do whatever you want with the group. You see I also belong to ANOTHER group known as DARKLORD, DARKLORD also wants their abilities too not just EMBER." Josh detailed. 

"You want me to help you give you my friend's abilities'?" I asked confused.

"Yes let me explain why. Fusion is very over powered since it can fuse up to 8 abilities and make something god-like with it, Aura Manipulation can copy, amp and use up to 8 abilities as well at max level so you can see why I need that and finally Gravity Manipulation can create black-holes, change how the gravity works and among other things. I already have Time Manipulation and I need the others."

"Why don't you want my ability?" I asked confused.

"Because you are a fellow EMBER member, plus I want you to take EMBER off my hands. Maybe later on DARKLORD and EMBER can come to an agreement and we can share and distribute the use of these abilities." Josh smiled.

"So what do you think?" Josh asked.

You know it doesn't sound bad at all but it would come at the expense of my friends. I wouldn't want that for them, *sigh* I don't know what the fuck would I do.

"Oh and don't get me wrong I DO want your ability, who wouldn't with the ability to manipulate the world's energy! However I could just copy it with the stolen Aura Manipulation and preserve the copy."

When Josh said that an idea sparked in my head.

WAIT! What if I asked John to copy their abilities' and catch the COPIED aura. That way they don't lose their powers, however I would have to figure out how to do John's though.

"OK fine I accept." I accepted Josh's offer after giving it some thought.

"Also do not ask John to copy their abilities' and preserve that, cause he already did that to me and I knew it was a phony aura." Josh smiled.

Uh oh

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