Chapter 29: Free at last

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John's POV:

I've been visiting Sera for weeks now and I always came to check on her, in those weeks I've also been using my ability for good ( for once ) by being a vigilante for a short while.

It wasn't anything too serious.

However when Emerson gave me that vial something strange happened, my ability felt WAY too powerful and I didn't know why.

I will eventually ask him why but for now I wanted to get Sera home, today she comes back to Wellston.

I opened her room door and found her getting dressed and she had bags under her eyes still but she at least got some of her mental health back.

"You ready to go Sera?" I asked.

"Yeah, thanks for picking me up." She replied "You're a good friend."

I want to be more than friends, but she doesn't know that hehe.

"OK cool, everybody at Wellston missed you."

"But will be ashamed of me again." She hung her head "I lost not only my ability again but I lost more, how pathetic of me."

We started walking down the stairs an we left the large medical building but I could see it was still tough for her.

"It's not pathetic Sera, what that guy did to you was mean. You didn't deserve it." I explained.

"Whatever everybody else will. I don't care anymore." She sighed.

We got in my car and I started to head back to Wellston, I turned my head to her while I was on the highway and asked "Wanna stop for boba?"

"No, boba is pathetic."

What did Josh do to you for you to feel this way Sera? It's alright now, please cheer up it hurts me to see you sad.

"That's something Arlo would say" I added.

"Maybe he would be right." She responded.

"Do you just want to go back to Wellston?"

"Yeah, just get it over with."

I drove her back to Wellston and it was a while, eventually we got there and she and I started to head back to school.

As we opened the door, it had seemed nobody had cared.

What a relief, well it's disrespectful but Sera doesn't want any attention.

 As she and I kept walking I heard Remi squeal "GASP! You two are back! I missed you guys so much!" She tried to give BOTH of us a hug.

"Thanks." I cheekishly said but Sera stayed mute.

Blyke, Isen and Evie also greeted us "Man we missed you guys so much!, "I thought I would run out of stories to write with you two gone!", "The safe house isn't the same without you two! I missed you guys!"

We all talked except Sera and just continued on our way, for some reason Sera stayed awfully clingy to me.

Poor girl.

"Sera what's the matter?" I quietly asked her.

"Nothing just don't let go." She responded.

I felt awfully bad for her cause I was concerned on why she was so clingy, I had a couple ideas but still.

Soon my friend was standing near a locker, he looked concerned about something but I don't know what but he was holding a box.

He looked up and spotted us, he stopped us "Oh hey, you two are back." He said "That's cool."

"Yeah, I'm just glad she is OK now."

He noticed Sera wasn't talking so he said "Here, I have a little something for you."

She took it with suspicion "What's this?"

"Just open it."

She opened it to reveal a syringe, to be honest I was a little surprised myself.

"It's a syringe? Does it have like heroin?" She asked confused.

"No Seraphina," he shook his head "It's your ability."

Her eyes lit up, she was surprised "Wait really?"

"Yeah, I managed to get it back. You have to inject it where the aura sack is and then you have to let it heal for a day." He explained.

She ran up and hugged him and whispered "Thank you." to him.

"No problem." He responded.

"Wait where did you even get it?!" I grabbed his arm "You didn't defeat Josh or something did you?!"

He turned to me and replied "No, I just basically dethroned him."

"Dethrone him!?"

"Yeah, I'm lead of EMBER now. Don't worry there's a reason why, I still am against them but now that I am part of them I have full authority over what EMBER does." He explained.

"You're 15!!" I exclaimed

"And you haven't been trained in EMBER, ever."

 He left and walked away, he seemed like he had more things going on for him.

 I wonder why

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