Chapter 26: Do it if you dare

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Wellston High Skyla POV:

"I-I just am so fucking pissed about yesterday." I complained to my friend "Why did he have to do that?"

"Yeah he's like that, always doing the craziest shit without giving an explanation first." Blyke started to remember. "Like when he fucking beat the shit out of me out of no where."

"At least he didn't take your ability, unlike me because I wIlL uNdErStAnD sOoN." I added.

"Well he does explain later, he told me on that it was because Wellston needed a stronger King against EMBER, I'm surprised he knows about it too." Blyke did assure.

"I guess, he did promise he'll give it back. I'm just mad that I'm just as strong as him but now my own ability as at the mercy of his word."

Blyke and I had different classes so we parted ways and then went to class.

Nobody knew that Fiora and I had lost our abilities so we still luckily gave the illusion that we still are god tiers. 

After class I went to go to the cafeteria and I noticed some more drama.

Oh great what now!? Damn it can I ever eat without more drama?

"Ah um Fiora I um was just interrogating this um kid for um um." Some random loser started stuttering.

"I told you SEVERAL times, STOP bullying kids for looking at your fucking goldfish crackers! Nobody is going to fucking steal them you fat ass!" Fiora yelled at him.

Oh, that was the weird kid Fiora was talking about. Honestly this is pretty funny so I'm just gonna keep watching.

"You know what? I don't care if you're the queen! I can do what I want, you aren't a REAL royal in our eyes!" The dumb kid said.

Oh my gosh THIS is what John was talking about when he said our hierarchy was basically falling apart!

Honestly I was afraid this would happen, especially since we had lost our abilities and our King was out doing shit, John had not shown up to school in a week now and Seraphina was in the hospital. I'm pretty sure that Arlo, the last god tier here had graduated.

The kid who was obsessed with his crackers started throwing fire at her, he was only a 3.2 so NORMALLY she would just kick his ass but with no ability all she could do was dodge and pin his face on the floor.

"I am going to SAY this one MORE time! Do NOT fucking do something stupid like that AGAIN!" She yelled at him.

At first I was relieved knowing that she knew some hand to hand combat to get her by for a little while until another kid hit her in the back shouting "Hey that's my friend! What kind of queen do you think you are? You are just some skank looking hoe who stole the title from the rightful queen Remi!"

What's going on here?! Why do they hate her all of a sudden?!

"Hey all of you stop it! Is that how you treat the queen!?" I stood up for her "You're lucky she hasn't used her ability on you all!"

All of the kids started to froze and realized HOW strong she actually was well was but they get the idea. 

The all apologized super quick out of fear and she got up really annoyed.

"I am going to kill him for taking my ability." She grumbled "I hate being humiliated like this."

"If you are, then why did you say that vulgar thing to him when you fought? Hmmmm?" I started to tease her.

"YOU HEARD THAT!?" She freaked out.

Wellston Drive, 8 Hours Earlier, Emerson POV:

"Well damn you won't give up huh? I'll give you that!" I said "The only reason you can fight me is because I can't drain you when in angel form!"

"Glad you noticed." Jack said, he started to slash me with his two angelic but the I bashed them with arm energy blades and then shoved him with a energy blast.

I surrounded him in an energy barrier and trapped him in there. "However I am significantly stronger than you, I don't even know how you even lasted this long you should have been dead."

"Its one thing being a cripple and being beaten by an ability user, its another when you are beaten by someone with similar strength." Jack said

he tried to slash the shit out of the energy barrier but it was no use.

"Keep trying bucko." I taunted.

He got so filled with rage that he exploded with light and somehow BROKE the barrier and started to fire a holy beam at me.

I fired and energy beam right back at him and the beams collied and it was more of a struggle of who was stronger.

"I shall win and I am going to fucking take your damn ability from you!" Jack yelled.

"We'll see." I smiled.

I summoned an energy surge around me with my second hand I had a furiously swirling bursts of energy around me and I launched a energy wave at him and flung him off his feet, he temporarily changed back to human form and at the speed of sound I leaped and stabbed him with a syringe and stole his ability away from him.

I landed back down while Jack CRASHED on the ground.

"Nice try but you're ONE weakness I used against you." I smiled "I wasn't even intending to steal your ability but I just did just in case."

"It means nothing to me, I can simply get another one. I'm a cripple I can handle being experimented on with more abilities." Jack explained "That's why I had such a unique ability."

"Oh that's interesting, probably why cripples are rare too, well you can have your ability back I already beat you."

I tossed him back the syringe for him to inject himself with, he looked at me shocked and said "Wait you aren't going to kill me? That's what combat champions do."

"I'll let you in a on a little something, I am NOT going to be a combat champion. What I am actually going to do is take over EMBER and fucking burn it down to the damn ground." I explained. "I'm going to figure out how to do the same for this new DARKLORD group because I know who these people are being an accidental combat champion reject!"

"W-wait you aren't a random person who showed up, you originally were part of EMBER at least?" Jack wondered.

"That's right." I said as I walked away from him.

I was so mad that Josh would even send him to not only take the abilities from me but to even take MINE. I couldn't trust him anymore so I ripped of the EMBER pin from my jacket and stomped on it, I was fucking right all along.

Tomorrow I am giving my friends' abilities back.

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