Chapter 6: Too Weak To Be A Queen

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- Wellston High, the next day -

So I've got a week until the National Arena starts, to be honest I'm pretty nervous about it.

Come on Fiora you have to flex out your ability. Just so you aren't rusty on the field.

Remember the reason is because to erase your family's reputation of being weak money pigs.

I over heard the the pathetic excuse for royals discussing about some upcoming tuf war Wellston has with some rivaling school.

Mostly their discussion was how it would be harder to beat them than last time.

I assumed last time they had two god tiers on their roster.

It reminded me of something I also had planned.

Fix the hierarchy and rid of it of these pathetic excuses.

"Arlo and Seraphina was on our roster last time. This time the highest we have is a 5.4 so it will be difficult this time." I overheard one of them say.

Won't be difficult when I'm done today.

I ignored them and kept walking along, I had class to attend to of course.

Besides I'll deal with her later.

- Couple Hours Later -

My teacher gave me an assignment today which required me to visit the library and read up on it.

So I went ahead and visited the school library, it seemed awfully vacant as if no one had actually been here.

I began looking through the shelves for a specific book that my assignment required but it was a tedious process.

Finally I found it but there was a problem.

It was on a high shelf and I couldn't reach it, I tried grabbing it but to no luck.

There wasn't a stool or a ladder anyway, they probably packed it away because no one ever visited the library.

Not even my ability would help, its useless without another ability to capture and fuse.

However there was another female in the library, she looked to be a couple years older than me.

She was looking through the library archives, she seemed to be the head of the school newspaper.

I sighed and attempted to reach it again, if people were watching I would have embarrassed myself.

The girl that was reading old archived material walked passed me and muttered. "Need help with that?" She activated her ability and some vine looking thing got the book down.

The vine then handed me the book gracefully.

"Oh um thanks." I thanked her surprised.

"Its nothing." She blew off and kept walking.

Wait a minute! Because she activated her ability I temporarily have it stored with my own. Now I can actually fight Remi!

It seemed as if I had gotten two things done because if her.

I got a stored ability and a got my book.


I went ahead and put my book in my bag and zipped it up.

I began looking for Remi around the halls and finally spotted her hanging up posters for something called a "Safe House".

That sounds dumb as hell.

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