Chapter 21: Flame Demon

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2 Years Ago: 

"MATCH OVER!" A special red branded referee declared.

Emerson's hands which were actually energy claws, were dripping with blood from the horrible slashes he had caused. 

"Damn you, how did you get so strong?!" Volcan tried to get up as a healer tried to heal her.

"You have to give him credit, for a 13 yo he is pretty strong." Representative Josh said "I mean with an ability like that no wonder he is, he's almost as strong as I am and I am 7.2!"

Volcan got up fully healed and brushed her coat off. "I'm getting to old for this, I can't wait for him to take over." 

"He's just a kid, just wait." Josh said drinking his coffee. "He'll make an excellent leader."

"He's pretty good for a 4.1" Volcan pointed out. "He should just take over already."

"I want him to not only take your position but as well as the commander-in-chief." Josh added. "There's a reason I'm his coach and not in combat, head of this organization or  even head of foreign operations." Josh explained "He needs to take them all, we need a unified system."

"You sound like a communist." Volcan scoffed at him.

"Darling didn't you forget? I am." Josh smirked. 

"I am so glad head command chose me as head of combat instead of you." Volcan shook her head. "You may be 0.3 stronger but you are going to cause damage to our organization!"

"I may not but he will, he's gonna change everything."

Josh walked over to Emerson and put his hand on his shoulder "How do you feel?"

"Eh I feel like I could have done better. I should have beat her faster." Emerson said to him.

"C'mon you're just a kid." Josh smiled "I bet that by the time you enter high school you will be able to beat her in a second."

"Thanks I guess." Emerson mumbled.

"Why do you think you're parents agreed to a contract with us? Because you are super powerful and have great potential."

Emerson just walked away and went to go wash up, he didn't even realize that he had fought the Head Of Combat Of EMBER.

"He's gonna be hella powerful one day, I just know it." Josh said to himself.

2 Years Later, Fiora's POV: 

"He's not picking up his phone, I'm getting worried." Fiora said freaking out.

"What were you guys even doing yesterday?" Remi asked.

Shit I can't tell her, I don't want more people involved! 

"We went out with the guys who wanted to review our strengths and Emerson stayed with them even after Skyla and I left." I explained.

"Well I wouldn't worry about him I mean he is the King after all." Remi responded.

"Besides with hot you are you got other things to think about." She winked and giggled at me.

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm please leave me alone. I don't like this.

I walked past some kid who was bullying another kid with some fire ability.

"I TOLD you not to even LOOK at my GOLDFISH crackers!" The fiery one exclaimed holding his victim hostage with his hand on fire.

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