Chapter 9: Sera what happened to you?!

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- Wellston Dorms -

"Sera? Are you there?" I had knocked a third time.

It was hours before when we planned to meet up for boba after school as we usually did.

Earlier I had noticed something was off with her already but I brushed it off thinking she was just stressed from the Spectre bullshit.

"Sera are you OK in there?!" I had asked concerned. I could sense her aura in the dorm so I knew she was in there. Its not like she was getting ready or something, something was happening.

Damn it I wish o could sense her emotional energy, I bet Emerson could do that.

That's when I remembered I had his ability stored, albiet its a week old but none the less I still had it.

I used a black, much weaker varient of it due to its age and soon I could sense a sad energy.

I slashed the door hinge off and entered inside and I could hear a sobbing noise.

"Sera are you OK?!" I called out, looking for her.

Finally I found her in a bed a ripped up and her extensions gone.

"Sera what happened?" I said quietly.

I rushed over and hugged her, I let her cry on my shoulder.

"J-John" she began speaking while sniffing "M-my ability is gone again"

What?! Again?!

"Your ability is gone again?!" I asked really shocked as to how this happened.

"T-Thats not all." She whimpered.

I noticed that she had bruise marks and cuts on her, it seemed that this happened right after we had agreed to meet.

"What happened?" I asked softly.

She just look straight at me, I could see her shiny beautiful blue eyes. Then she started crying again and tried to push me away.

Oh no, its not what I think it is...

I had to immediately think of how it happened, in her own dorm.

"Sera.......I know what happened." I told her.

"Thank fucking goodness because I don't want to tell you!" She sobbed.

There was a left over aura in the room that I could feel.

It was a faint aura but I managed to make it out.

Immediately I began to absorb and copy it just to see what it was.

All of a sudden my hand turned into a shadow like hand.

The person here had....Shadow? Could they have gone in here like a ghost and stolen her ability and....hurt her?

"Sera I'm taking you to a hospital to get checked up, I won't ask anymore questions until you feel better" I said.

She felt disgusted at herself but none the less she agreed to go to the hospital.

Damn it this is why I need to get stronger.

Quickly with an ability I had stored I managed to get her to a near by hospital. I wanted her to be treated and tested for and sexual diseases.

I rushed in and immediately demanded some help for her, I activated my ability in front of them to show them I was serious.

Surely enough she was soon put in a room so she could be checked up for......


I knew this would be a life changing event for her, I can't believe it even happened in a span of a few hours, she was even so badly hurt.

I need to find the person who did this to her.

I brought out my phone and began calling my old enemy.

"Hello, Arlo?"

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