Chapter 8: Either the mall is a waste of money or......

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- Wellston Mall -





It had been an hour and I was mostly following Fiora around in the stores but as some of you may know, that's boring.

"Why have you been so quiet?" She asked as we were leaving another shop.

"Um that's just how I am." I answered.

"Its been nice to be honest." She told me. "My ex boy friend use to run his mouth ragid."

I look at her with a sarcastic face "I thought you were lesbian?"

"Pffft no stop it!" She giggled a bit.

"Huh, neat" I said as I threw an old cup I'm the garbage.

"But yeah, that was during a time when I was much weaker. I would have never even considered dating him now." She explained to me.

"Well what was he like?" I asked.

She scratched her head a bit trying to remember some details "He was just a stuck up talkative bitch. He thought he was somebody because he had some power ball ability. Last I checked he just reached 4.7" She explained her ex to me.

I tried to imagine this dude and sure enough he seemed like some annoying person.

"Tch whatever, back then I thought I could not get anybody better cause I was a measly 3.4 at the time" She said "But now I know better."

"Well how old were you at the time?"

"14" She answered rather swiftly.

"Look at you, you are 16 now and you have leveled up I think thrice your level?" I added. "So that's an accomplishment.

"I guess.."

"So you could date anybody you want." I shrugged.

I glanced at a nearby clothing store and I saw they were advertising a pair of pants for way too much money and claiming it was on sale.

Either malls are a waste of money or.....

"Wait a minute?!" She exclaimed.

"Hmm?" I paused my thought to focus on her.

"Is this?" She said kind of awkwardly.

"Lunch time? yes." I said glancing at my smartwatch.

"No I this a date or something?" She asked.


"What?" I said.

"I mean.."

"Um I'm pretty sure its not, why would you think that?" I asked confused.

"Never mind" she brushed off "Sorry I brought it up"

Yep she's acting weird.

"Whatever, I still stand by what I said. Its lunch time so I'm grabbing a bite to eat." K told her. "Wanna come?"

"Oh yeah sure." She answered.

As we head out of the mall and we were heading to a restaurant near by, Fiora stopped me for a second.

"Wait, now is this?"

"Oh my gosh NO!" I answered annoyed.

She's just fine before, why the hell is she acting like this!


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