Chapter 19: Well Shit

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"Well what do we have here?" Josh said very smugly. "How come your arms are bleeding hmm?"

I already had thoughts racing in my head, especially if he knew about the ability trick.

Freaking out but trying to stay calm I began planning on what to do if he didn't know about it.

OK if he doesn't know, then he will have his guard down and his ability on low. Then we can make a surprise attack and escape. We should be fast enough. 

"Um we just have mental issues is all." I tried to calm myself without visible showing I was freaking out on what to do.

Luckily Fiora caught on what I was trying to do and she started fake breaking down, I don't even know how she could do that but somehow she managed to force cry about fake problems.

"My family is a total wreck! I am always bullied for my looks and I was screw up! No one ever likes me and every friend I had hated me!" Fiora started to sob.

"Oh huh I see, then I will visit you three in an hour. I don't want to have you three ALREADY upset. Hmph." Josh said and left and closed the cell bars. 

I sighed relieved that it had worked. "Damn Fiora, how did you manage to fake cry?" I asked rather surprised.

"It wasn't really fake I just learned to deal with it." Fiora sighed to herself. "Its been I dunno several months since I last expressed I was sad about it."

"Oh wow, I wouldn't have known considering you act like a jerk sometimes." Skyla blurted.

"Well I only was a jerk to block it! OK?" Fiora started to get upset.

"Alright that's enough, calm down you two." I sat down feeling like I was gonna collapse from nervousness.

"OK we just need to get out, can we do that?" I blandly said. 

"Yeah I guess so." Skyla quietly replied.

"Sure." Fiora said starting to not care anymore.

I got up and energy slashed the cell bars down.

"Huh, not as sharp but still effective." I thought as I looked at a much weaker variant of my energy claws.

Soon I was able to take down all the cell bars, luckily they didn't make much of a sound thanks to Skyla using her ability to make sure the bars fell quietly.

We were out in the hallways I was trying to lead everyone to the exit but my memory of this place was so foggy it was difficult to remember where the actual exit was.

"Fiora you have an Energy Weight ability right?" I asked as I turned to Fiora.

"Yeah and?" She answered.

"My energy detection capabilities are very limited right now so I cannot detect the energy of where the main exit is, however you probably can." I said.

"Alright fine, let me see what I can do."

She placed her hand on the floor and had her eyes glow purple.

"I found it! It's the heaviest door here." She explained.

She got up and started pointing her hand to the supposed door. Then with a slight movement of her index finger she swung open the door to reveal the outside.

I felt a little jealous knowing full well I used to be able to do that when I was a more power full manipulator but I swallowed my pride and said "Great, now lets get out of here." 

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