Chapter 38: The Attack

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Wellston Dorms, Emerson's POV:

As I panicked in the hallway I could hear Fiora crying, I felt really bad but at the same time I WANTED to be with her BUT I couldn't allow myself to.

She just doesn't deserve it.

While I was debating on what I should do, all of a sudden Blyke shows up with fucking FLOWERS.

"What are you doing here?" I got up.

"I could ask you the same thing." He replied.

"Fiora and I just had a talk and I'm stressed out is all." I sighed as I was about to leave.

"Well I went to go ask Skyla out but turns out she is already dating that girl Reese so I'm here to ask Fiora out." Bitch Blyke explained.

You fucking piece of shit I'm going to make you suffer right here and now!

"Oh um cool, good luck." I sighed as I left.


To be honest I was very mad but I knew that this was probably for the best anyways.

She would be very disappointed in me anyways.

Blyke is better.

I left sad but I left also with a feeling of assurance.

At least I can safety fight Josh without the risk of anyone missing me.

Cause, you don't know.

Fiora's POV:

I should have never have done that! Now he'll never talk to me again! I fucking ruined it forever I can't believe I did that what is wrong with me?!

Tears flowed down my face ever since I got that slight feeling of a rejection.

Although it wasn't really one it was just, awkward.

Maybe he still likes me but just has anxiety?

I tried to keep myself calm because I usually show little emotion yet here I am crying.

Amazing right? 🙄

I heard the door knock and I immediately stopped, I had started to get my hopes up.

Is he coming back???

I open the door to reveal that it was actually BLYKE.

"Hello." He smiled.

"Oh, hi. What do you want?" I sighed.

I noticed he was holding flowers as if he were trying to be romantic.

"I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?" He simply asked.


You know you should do it, you don't need him. SHOW him that you can have anyone else. Besides maybe you'll see that you can like someone else.

NO! I don't like him that much! I can't just switch emotions for people like that! What if he STILL likes me and I'm just betraying him! I'll never get a chance again if I do this!

I had a lot in my mind but I also didn't want to be rude so I just take smiled and said "Sure."

The very next day, Wellston High. Emerson's POV ( again ):

I didn't get much sleep last night.

I was too busy overthinking, what was I supposed to do?! Sleep?! Hell naw.

Pff anyways I still felt bad for her and not only that my emotions ached.

DoNt YoU fUcKiNg LoVe ThAt KiDs?

It was mid time during school so we all had some free time for a little while.

That's when I noticed John and Sera holding hands.

Huh, they must have gotten together. Eh I suspected it.

I chuckled knowing that the entire school shipped them and yet they both denied it. It's funny now cause they are dating.

Also Skyla and Reese were doing..... something.

Yeah we don't talk about that, all you need to know is that Blyke was right, they were dating.

I rolled my eyes and kept in going. I really didn't care for relationships anymore.

I was trying to go outside cause I felt tired being inside and that was when I bumped into Fiora and Blyke.

"Oh shit I'm sorry!" I immediately said as I got up.

"Naw it's fine, we were too busy flirting so we weren't paying attention." Blyke brushed off.

I wanted to punch him so fucking bad but I knew it was for the best so I calmed my emotions down for a bit and just sighed and said "Oh OK."

I noticed Fiora looking at me and then turning away like she was disappointed about something.

"Well I'm glad to see you got a new boyfriend." I smiled at Fiora."

"Thanks, yeah he's much better for me." She said.

Idk something about her energy is off, likes she's not excited about Blyke at all.

"Anyways we're going to go back flirting." Blyke bitchly smiled. "Sorry for being in your way bud."

I got really fucking mad.

"Oh OK asshole." I said back.

"Wait what was that?" Blyke asked shocked.

I covered my mouth.

Oh my gosh I did not just say that oh my gosh no no NO!

"Um sorry my mistake I'm gonna go!"

I ran the opposite direction with my ability as fast as I could, well if you count sound speed as slow.

Damn it damn it damn it what the actual fuck is wrong with you?!

Yeah I'm cussing alot today, I'm in a mood.

Being too busy thinking I didn't realize I crashed into another person.

"Ah damn it not again." I mumbled.

I got up and saw a black haired and grey eyed man.

It was Josh.

Gawd fucking damn it. Not AGAIN.

"Hey Em, I noticed that you have attacked my grunts." Josh stated pissed. "So I'm going to destroy your entire petty school as punishment."

"Wait what there must be a mistake!" I said.

"SILENCE!" He shouted.

He fired a shadow ball and destroyed an entire wall.

"You're all weak compared to me, let me show you what I'm made of." Josh had his aura glowing brightly.

I activated my ability and put in fingerless gloves. "I'm not going to let you destroy Wellston."

"We'll see about that." He fired several black shards at me, I put up a energy sheild.

Josh was here and today I will finally bring him down.

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