Chapter 23: Magnetized

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The Next day, Skyla's POV: 

I'm taking a walk outside to cool my head, I felt pretty pissed at my friends hearing what had just happened on our discord chat. I should have known it would happen.

I also felt a little humiliated being beaten by Fiora, although I probably was cause I was unexpecting her to be in a "mood" that day. I might try again tho.

For some reason she wasn't responding my texts so something for sure was up that I didn't know.

Maybe she really WAS worried about him and got mad at me for picking on her, man I can be so mean sometimes. I wish she would answer so I could apologize. 

I just sat on a swing at a playground, luckily no one was there so I didn't stand out. I felt pretty bummed out.

Soon a familiar friend appeared out of no where, he was just leaning at a tree holding his head.

I walked over to him and asked "Emerson is that you?"

"Who knows anymore." He just responded.

"Well at least you're back, what happened? Fiora really is worried about you so you should go talk to her so she won't be so worried." I explained to him.

He got up and just swished an energy wind at me.

"Whoa what the fuck? You come up out of no where and attack me?!?" I yelled at him.

His eyes had huge bags under his eyes and looked pretty depressed for some reason.

What the fuck happened while you were gone?

I tried to lock him in the ground with my ability so he wouldn't move.

"That's an inconvenience, oh well." He mumbled.

He fired several energy shards at me and I kept trapping them in black holes.

Then I summoned at black hole right at him but he just pulled his hand out and close it.

"What?! Again!?" I yelled.

"Its Dark Matter, I just can close it." He explained "I can manipulate ANY energy."

He placed his hand on his shoes and they soon started to glow, he then zoomed at me and upper striked me.

I pull in several objects around me and threw em all at him but he put up an energy sheild.

"You're gonna be tough to beat." I said.

"I know."

He created an energy storm around me and almost trapped me in it, hadn't it been for my powers I wouldn't be able to force the storm away from me.

"I can manipulate the gravity as well bitch." I yelled. "What a friendly gesture you have given!"

He gritted his teeth and pulled out his hand and started to suck my LIFE energy out of me.

"I'm just gonna make this EASY and QUICK." He said. "I just need your ability."


"I just need it, I'll give it back as soon as I can."

I wouldn't allow him to do such a thing so I left a black hole on the ground so he wouldn't suspect and he fell through the floor.

I knew that stupid pin meant something.

But then I felt an energy portal open right behind me and he was holding that energy absorbed power in his hand still.

"I changed the destination of the black hole if you don't mind." He explained.

"Y-you what?!"

He kept absorbing my life energy and I kept getting weaker, it was annoying because  had not have that power I could have beat his physical energy attacks.

"Unlike you I'm not limited to manipulating a single element, I can manipulate multiple variants of energy even though I can only produce physical energy."

"I can't believe you, I hate you!"

"I will explain what the hell is going on in time, I will also give your ability BACK in less than a week. You have my word." He said as he stabbed me with a syringe and sucked my ability out.

My aura died and I got really confused and scared.

I didn't know what would happen or if I could even trust him anymore, was he even really my friend?

"I won't attend Wellston for a while so don't question on why I am gone, the hierarchy is now in rumbles but its so I can fucking stop EMBER! I am so so fucking sorry, I know I am an asshole and I promise I will make it up to you."

He left sad but he lifted his hand in the air and summoned an energy portal and got himself out of the park.


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