Chapter 18: An Idea

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I had finally pulled into the parking lot of the facility Sera was being held. For a minute I was starting to wonder if this  was even a good idea to see her in this state again. Alas I finally forced myself out of the car and go see her.

I walked into the facility and as per custom I had to first speak to the receptionist at the reception desk.

"Hello! How may I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"Um I was wondering if I can go see Seraphina *last name*" I asked nervously.

"Sure um what is your name sir? " The receptionist asked.

"Um John Doe, I'm Seraphina's boyfriend." I replied knowing damn well I lied but I wanted to hear those words ever so desperately. 

"OK well I'll give you a name tag and you can go meet her!" She said and handed me a sticker with my full name.

I smiled at her and thanked her, as soon as I got permission I sped walked all my way to what was Sera's room.

I quietly knocked on Sera's room door. "Hello?" A familiar voice asked.

I open the door and say "Hey Sera! It's me!"

"AH! GET AWAY FROM ME DON'T HURT ME AGAIN!" She threw a glass at me which hurt. 

I have to realize that I look similar to Josh, shit.

"Um Sera owwww" I said in pain "It's me John."

"Oh, its you. Sorry." She apologized.

Sera's face was pale, her eyes were soulless and she had huge bags under her eyes.

"Is it OK I give you a hug?" I asked for consent first knowing very well that she was still in that mental state.

"Yeah you may, thank you." She weakly smiled.

I walked over to her and gave her a gentle hug as I hugged her she softly said "You're a good friend John, why'd you visit me?" 

I released and sat next to her. "Because I was on my way home and saw that I was nearby so I thought I could I visit you." I stupidly smiled.

"Aw thanks, that means a lot." She smiled a back.

" are you feeling right now?" I asked quietly.

"Um fine I guess, I keep having nightmares and flashbacks of you know who and I.....nevermind." She answered looking rather depressed again.

"You what Sera? What's the matter?" I jumped out sensing that she was gonna say something bad.

"I tried to kill myself John. I know it's self-"

"No no no! Please don't do that again, I would do anything but please don't attempt to again!" I started getting teary eyed "I promise you I will find him and make sure he pays!"

"Its fine, besides the staff already took away and sharp utensils so I won't be doing it again anytime soon." She looked sideways rather ashamed.

"Thank you, I don't know what I would do if you killed yourself" I sighed in relief wiping my eyes. 

Emerson's POV: 

"Well this is just fantastic!" Skyla blurted out in frustration.

We had been locked up in a cell after we had arrived in this mysterious location, well actually not for me cause I actually know where this was.

"To be honest I don't care anymore. They can take whatever they want from me." Fiora sighed.

"Do you hear yourself?! Do you know what Josh does to teen girls like us?! Not only that he'll also take our abilities too!" Skyla exclaimed at Fiora.

"Yes I know and I really don't care anymore." Fiora blankly responded "Aw man there is no cell phone reception here." 

"You two calm down! No one is getting their abilities and innocence stolen OK?" I tried to calm the situation.

"In case you didn't know, you have no ability right now either, we had our powers blocked." Skyla looked at me annoyed.

I walked to the tray of food that they had given us and smirked. "Who wants their ability back?"

"Of course I want mine back!" Skyla exclaimed.

"If it involves lots of effort count me out." Fiora blankly said.

Thank goodness I remembered this little vulnerability in dampening technology.

I picked up a plastic knife "OK we can have our powers back but only one downside, our powers would be cut in half until it heals."

"Wait what do you mean?" Skyla asked.

I started aiming the knife at where one of my ability sacks were. "The thing is for some reason the dampening doesn't work at all when an ability sack is injured but there's one issue if an ability sack is injured the ability is cut in half or more depending on the severity of the injury."

"So I would be a 4.9, Skyla would be a 4.7 and Fiora would be a 4.5" I explained.

"Mid tiers? Great." Skyla sighed.

"Its better than no ability." I said. "Besides most people are mid to low tiers so we can escape without worry." I explained. 

I slit my ability sack and winched in pain, it bled a bit but I could feel my ability working again.

But what I also didn't know was that it now hurt to use my ability. I could deal with it anyways, we have to escape anyways before something happens.

"OK you two do it now." I handed them the plastic knife. "Though do it a little hard cause plastic knifes are not that sharp."

Skyla then Fiora cut their sacks too and they had their powers working.

"Damn its been a while since I was a 4.5" Fiora said "I can only fuse like two abilities now."

"Can you fuse my Energy and Skyla's Gravity manipulation?" I asked.

"Yeah I think so, I made something." She looked awkward. "But I don't know how strong it will be."

Right before I was about to energy slash the cell bars I froze out of shock.

Because Josh and a couple EMBER soldiers had walked up to us and opened the cell gate.


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