Chapter 14: Weaknesses don't end us yet

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John POV: 

I was drifting off in class thinking about yesterday when suddenly the teacher suddenly yelled at me "John Doe stop dreaming about girls and focus on the equation on the board!"

I heard a couple kids giggle about that, not knowing that was not what I was thinking about.

I just noticed that Seraphina wasn't here today, that's when I remembered she won't be for while after she was assaulted. Soon I remembered why I wanted complete utter revenge on the man who did this to her.

I just had wished I was just stronger, not even that damn 15 year old bitch couldn't defeat him BUT SOME RANDOM PERSON COULD WITH A GRAVITY ABILITY COULD!

"John I am giving you ONE last chance, FOCUS or else I will have to write you up!" The teacher barked at me.

"Yes sir..." I replied annoyed knowing damn well I could pin his ass and kill him right then and there easily.

By the time I finished class I had managed to calm my anger down pretty well but as soon as I headed out I wanted to KILL someone again.

I had wished I was joker again and could beat up anybody I wanted, but alas I can't do that as I am proper minded again.

As I walked to my locker over heard Emerson and Fiore talking about hierarchy stuff that only bitch ass Arlo would care about. 

Luckily I was right next to them so it wasn't awkward, I turned my head to them and asked "Interesting you two would be talking about stuff only Blyke and Remi would care about." I said.

"Well yeah that's because I'm the king now

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"Well yeah that's because I'm the king now." Emerson scratched his head.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

2 Hours Earlier Emerson POV: 

Damn it how I hate how it feels to be weaker than someone, that's why I had leveled up soooooo hard. *sigh* but I guess I am not limit level yet. But my weakness won't stop me, I will figure out how to defeat Josh for everything. Including what he did, not to long ago.

Allow me to explain...................

OK so if you remember Remi had a brother named Rei that was a vigilante? Well um he was actually my tutor after I had left Ember for knowing who they actually were, he was the one that had helped me level up fairly quickly and taught me how to have combat skills. He would also bring me when he went to do missions so that way he could demonstrate how it was done. 

I was with him on one of those mission trips, the infamous one with Vulcan where he would fight his last battle before dying.

At the time he wouldn't let me help me AT ALL in ANY of his trips, had he allowed me he probably would have lived. Every time I tried to step in he would yell "NO! GO BACK ITS DANGEROUS!" and right when I was about to protect in him in a 5.0 level grade ( at the time ) barrier he had already been swiped by fiery claws, but what the media AND what Ember left out in that story was that Shadow ( aka: Josh ) was also present there and greatly aided Vulcan in attempting to kill Rei. Had it only JUST been Vulcan Rei might have lived but with painful fiery claws AND shadow swipes that knock people down mixed together, he was doomed dead.

Every time I tried to use my ability to help him, he would shock me out of nowhere to get me out. At the time he was stronger so I couldn't actually get in without him trying to protect me.

That is why I am a 9.9 now because I regretted being too weak at the time to witness the loss of my tutor who had taught me everything I know about combat.

Anyways back into present time.......

I noticed Blyke was talking with Isen about..."stuff", which suddenly made me remember that if Ember and Josh ever attacked Wellston ( Which is possible ) Wellston can't have a weak hierarchy to protect it. So I had remembered to take the title of King from Blyke just for Wellston's own good, I knew I wasn't that great of a leader but my ability sure made up for it.

John told me about Blyke, his personality AND stats. He was hella weak compared to me.

I'm so sorry, I may lose the chance of you ever being my friend but this is for Wellston's own good.

Knowing what I knew, I wasn't going to take a chance to make an appointment for a title match anymore I had to take drastic measures because I knew for sure from the classified papers Ember had that they will attack Wellston soon.

I did the most unethical thing I could right now.

I fired a energy beam at Blyke while he was talking

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