Chapter 42: The Final End Part 2

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"I hate you!" John cried "Ever since you attended Wellston you ruined everything!"

I could barely even talk while still getting hurt by the lightning bolt. "I s-saved your dumbass from J-Josh, you w-were GOING to get attacked by him anyways!"

"LIAR! DIE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!!" John hollored at me.

The thunder bolt grew worse and worse.

Nobody could help me.

Nobody is as strong as I am.

Nobody can do things I can do.

Nobody can levitate with me.

Nobody can save me.

I'm in this alone.


I can absorb ANY form of energy.

Including lightning.

I gritted my teeth and raised my hand in the air and began to absorb the ENTIRE bolt.

The bolt kept getting stronger and stronger and I asorbed all of it, I could feel the hyper rush of energy flowing through my body and I didn't even know I could take it much more.

Blue sparks were flowing around me and soon the lightning bolt turned a cyan blue and I absorbed the entire thing.

And then I unleashed my true power.

My hair started to glow sun like yellow and I felt like I had unlimited power, my hair probably glowed to the overdose of energy.

The most important part I became double my level.

I became a 19.8

John Doe you're going down.

Yes I know, I don't like the light yellow color either but if it means max power than so biet

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Yes I know, I don't like the light yellow color either but if it means max power than so biet.

"What the?! How could you?!" John was extremely shocked on what I had just pulled off.

"You stupid son of a bitch, you just made me more powerful than anyone could imagine!"

"Now you're fucking tantrum ends NOW!"

I blasted at divine like speeds and destroyed every fucking thing he throws at me, I even evaporated the waves that John's water demon dragon thingy threw at me.

Finally I had reached the glowing green mole and I slashed it and EASILY destroyed it.

Soon the water evaporated around him and he was left levitating.

"You idiot I'll recreate my water soldier! I'll have-"

"Shut the HELL up for ONCE damn it!" I collided with him, John tried to withstand me with all of his strength and I was shoving intolerable amounts of energy at him.

John ducked and flew away but I zapped him with an energy bolt.

"Agh!" John cried.

I then charged up a giant energy ball that glowed so bright and sparked heavily.

My hand felt like it was going to collapse just by charging and holding it.

In fact my whole body felt like it was going to collapse. It's not normal for ANYBODY to be a level 19.8

I held John up by his shirt with my other hand and stared directly at him.

The look of fear in his eyes.

I would let him go but.

I can't.

I flung him in the air and speed through in front of him and unleashed my energy blast DIRECTLY on him all with a single blow.

"You unleashed hell on Wellston City, you destroyed it, you put everyone I know in danger and you have betrayed me! I think I'M the one that deserves the revenge here!"

John crashed into a talk building and created a crater in it, he sat there unconscious but still alive.

But I don't know if I could say the same for me.

I returned to my normal strength, I stopped glowing like the sun, my hair was brown again and I closed my eyes.

And I fell.




Till I hit the ground and created a crater of my own.

Alot of my veins were popped and bleeding out, my muscles were too weak to move. My mouth was bleeding with blood and my body had became pale.

I couldn't handle it.

As soon as everything cleared up the police and medical services came to help everyone.

I laid there in the creator and soon all of my friends were surrounding me.

"Holy crap are you OK?!" Skyla exclaimed.

I barely could breath let alone give her a good answer.

My lungs started to collapse.

My heart started to beat slower.

"Emerson no! Please don't die on me!" Fiora started to cry as she held my hand firmly.

"H-he actually did this." Seraphina stuttered in shock.

"Emerson noooo...." Fiora sobbed.

I weakly tried to turn my head and I smiled at Fiora and said "Don't cry for me, you'll understand soon."

"What do you mean I'll understand soon?!"

"You j-just will." I smiled.

My heart stopped beating, I drew my last breath and my lungs had completely collapsed.

"No no no! You were supposed to stay alive with me! Not leave me alone! Why are you so selfish why did you have to die?!" Fiora sobbed.

Soon an ambulance took my body away in it and to a nearby hospital.

Later that day I was proclaimed dead.

It was over.

I finally defeated Josh. I finally took down John, I had saved Wellston.

But it came at the cost of my own life and breaking another's heart.

Was I waste of potential? Maybe.

But I at least did what I came here for.

Sometimes I wonder, was it even worth it.

It's too late now though.

I can't have any regrets now.

From now on I'll be remembered by Wellston City for saving them from a giant water demon.

Had I known that while I was still alive I would have a thrown up 😂.

Well I guess this is goodbye for now, see you then.

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