Chapter 27: Gee Thanks BITCH

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I placed the small jars in the copy machine and the machine started working, I remember EMBER developing this thing a few years back and it would make perfect one to one copies although I don't remember them actually using it.

OK finally its done! 

I knew Josh doesn't even know about this thing because only those who were there while it was being developed would know, mostly cause it was forgotten a while later an also since it doubled as a paper copy machine. 

I grabbed the copies and placed them in a special bag that I had put under the desk.

For sure these will make Josh happy and my friends can have their abilities back!

I closed the room door and locked it. After that I left EMBER HQ and started to head to Wellston. However it was gonna be a bit late.

My arms felt very sore from using my ability ALOT lately and using them to a mid range level which is not usual for me, I'm just glad I haven't MAXED it out yet.

I decided against using my ability to get to school so I took the long bus ride there.

Wellston High:

I had arrived VERY late but at this point in my life I stopped caring, I noticed John looking very confused about something.

"Hey, um here you can um have this back." I handed him a syringe containing his ability.

"Oh uh what's this?" He asked confused.

"Its something to help your ability is all." I said.

I left walking away nervous but I didn't care anymore.

I noticed the two girls talking about something and I just walked up to them.


"Huh, wait what are you doing here?" Fiora asked.

Skyla gave me a slap and are shouted "THAT'S for taking my ability."

"Skyla sheesh calm down-"

"It's alright, I deserved that." I humbled myself "Look I just came back to give your abilities back."

I handed them the syringes containing their powers, they both took it confused.

"Wait then why did you need it then?" Fiora wondered.

"I took them so I could make a copy of your abilities and give them to Josh." I explained "You see he told me that if I gave him your abilities that I would get to take over EMBER entirely, allowing him to resign."

"Ohhhhh I get it now." Skyla replied. "Wait so that means he has copies of ours?"

"Yeah." I answered "He even attempted to take MINE."

"Oh damn that's crazy."  Fiora injected her ability back.

"Yeah I just want to say I am super sorry to the two of you." I apologized.

"You're fine!" Fiora smiled.

"I hate you still." Skyla frowned.


I sighed "Oh and Fiora, that weird thing you said to me, did you mean it?" 

To be honest I was confused.

"NO!" She said immediately.

"Ah good, that would be weird." I chuckled.

That better have been a joke.

I sighed and left them and I decided to just leave Wellston since there was no point in staying since I was SOOO late.

Besides I have to give Josh his abilities now and take over EMBER.

That will finally take down at least ONE thing.

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