Chapter 33: This is "OK"

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The bathroom, literally: 

Everyone had picked the hair dye they wanted from the U-Mart, after that we all got back and dyed our hair in the bathroom.

So this would actually be the first time seeing each other with our new hair styles.

Alright it doesn't look TOO bad, yes I know you don't like cyan as an entire hair color but its only temporary don't freak out too much.

I sighed to myself and just left the bathroom, but as SOON as I got out EVERYONE was waiting for me in the conference room.

Blyke had green hair, Skyla had teal hair, Reese had rainbow styled hair ( idk how ) and Fiora had pink hair.

"I look like some dumb tik toker who wants to come out as trans for attention." Fiora said annoyed.

"Fiora we ALL do." I sighed.

"Pfff you look like Sonic the hedgehog." Blyke smirked.

"NO I DON'T," I shouted "IT'S CYAN!"

"Alright calm down sheesh." Blyke giggled.

"Go fuck Skyla or something." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't appreciate everyone shipping me with Blyke right now." Skyla grumbled.

"You kinda started it." Fiora pointed out.

"OK so what did everyone pick as name?" I asked.

"I chose Volcanic." Reese answered.

"Call me um Nightfall." Skyla replied.


Why the fuck did he chose THAT ability?

"I think Venus." Fiora  chose.

I smiled finally getting things back on track. "Alright I haven't picked one yet so I guess we'll wait on tha-"

"SONIC! SONIC! SONIC!" Everyone was chanting.

"Why?!" I shouted.

"Ya blue and a speed bitch." Blyke pointed out.

Oh yeah I do look like I'm trying to cosplay.

"Oh I guess." I mumbled. "I do have green conta-"

"GOTTA GO FAST!!" Skyla mocked me.

"Hey I still have my main ability activated, WANT ME TO DRAIN YOUR LIFE FORCE?!" I threatened.

"No." She whispered.

"*sigh* Alright fine I'll be Sonic ONLY because everyone wanted me to be called that."

"OK now what?" Reese asked.

"We go to a designated area where there is high reports of crime." I explained "It's actually by the next town over, c'mon I'll show you guys."

We left the satalite base and started heading towards the next town over, after a bus ride later we made it there.

Once we arrived it was apparent that there was a LOT of crime there. It was so interesting.

Well actually spooky and creepy I should say.

"Hey look! There's a gray haired looking man!" Skyla pointed out.

How we would so regret this.

"He looks familiar?" I said starting to get nervous.

He turned around and saw us, he was with a couple other people dealing ability amps and other decent drugs to people. He seemed to be making a good fortune.

"Wait a minute." Fiora pointed out on her guard.

It was fucking Josh.

Fucking great.

"Ah shit another damn group of vigilantes." He sighed. "Damn it I just left EMBER yesterday I can't ever get a fucking break cause of you dumb kids."

I threw up again.

"Em- I mean Sonic why did you throw up?!" Reese yelled.

"Cause I got a panic attack alright? Sheesh."

Gawd I hate myself.

"Well I guess I have to deal with you vigilantes." Josh ordered his goons to attack while he started to walk away and leave in a bus.

Damn it he's getting away! Oh well its not like I can do shit with this DUMB ability.

I turned on my ability watch and my contacts glowed green, there were designed to change my eye aura from the outside.

"You dumb kids should be in school!" A middle aged man said as he fired a water beam.

Fiora spun a circular sheild around her and blocked it.

Reese threw a magma blob at him yet he fired a water jet at the blob turning it into a hard rock and knocking him out pretty badly.

Another middle aged man looking even worse started summoning little spikes all over the place but I ran right through all of them and went straight for him.

Another middle aged man looking even worse started summoning little spikes all over the place but I ran right through all of them and went straight for him

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I leaped and homed in on him and knocked him down.

"Wow that was fun to watch, can we go home now?" Blyke asked.

"I think-"

Another group of goons came but there was like 12 of them now.

"Uh oh." Skyla said

UH OH is understating this! It's worse! Shit.

It didn't help that I went to fast that my hair dye started to degrade a little.

Cheap ass piece of shit.

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