Chapter 7: Sometimes They Dont Get The Memo

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- Wellston High, The Next Day -

I felt sick from built up nervousness, I always do this to myself. I over think and shit but I have no reason to.

Everyday I think I'm going to get judged.

Its funny that I'm ranked waaaaayyyy to fucking high and I'm still nervous.

Anyways I was walking down the hall after class towards the bathroom so I could puke.

I was stopped by two guys I have never seen before.

"Hey you were at the queen's title match yesterday weren't you?" One of them asked, a brown haired one.

"Um yeah." I said looking pretty miserable.

He smacked me down so hard I feel to the floor.

"Look at this idiot. He thinks he can offer his weak ass ability to the new queen because he is a SIMP for her!" The brown haired laughed at me.

Strange, I haven't done anything wrong yet I'm being picked on.

I guess he never got the memo of my power, oh well he'll learn soon enough.

"What are you going to do? Call for her help like the simp you are?" The other pink haired one sneered at me.

"I guess you never got the memo that I was a god tier." I got up and energy slashed them both in the chest, leaving a huge gash.

"Gack!" Brown haired cried "The fuck?"

"Shit he was powerful!" Pinkie mumbled trying to hold in the bleeding.

"9.9 to be exact." I rolled my eyes "So next time don't attempt something stupid like that, you're lucky I was easy on you."

Oh shit now I am actually gonna throw up.

I ran to the bathroom and puked to my heart's desires. I don't know why I felt this way.

I got out of the stall to see a red haired kid standing by the bathroom. "You OK?"

"Um yeah, I just threw up is all." I answered miserably.

"Yeah it happens, did you eat something that caused it?" He asked.

"No." I chuckled "I'm just nervous like an idiot."

"Ah don't be, won't get you far here. That's my advice." He finished.

"Ah OK." I said to him as I walked out of the bathroom.

School was pretty much over so I began walking back down the halls so I could leave the school, soon I noticed Fiora was leaving as well. I hadn't seen her all day.

"Hey Queen! What's up!" I greeted her

She noticed me and said "Don't call me that."

"Hm? Why not?" I asked.

"Calling me queen makes me sound like I'm some lesbian girl who just came out in a female group of friends." She explained

"But aren't you tho?" I raised a brow.

"No! Who told you that?!" She asked annoyed and embarrassed.

"Uh you have short hair, they way you dress and you obviously have Remi crushing on you." I explained to her the details.

Surely she realizes she DOES look lesbian.

"Just because I have short hair doesn't mean I'm lesbian." She said annoyed.

"Well just because I have nervous issues doesn't mean I'm weak." I said as well.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?"

"Oh um just earlier some kids threw me down and ratted me out for being a low tier acting like a simp helping you out yesterday." I explained what had happened as briefly I could.

"They thought you were a low tier? That's funny!" She chuckled a little.

"Then I slashed their stomachs, but not too bad." I smiled.

"Well looks aren't what they seem." She concluded.

We had just left the gates of the school and she and I were about to walk to our dorms.

"Well see you later I guess." Fiora sighed.

"What do you mean you guess???"

"Nothing, just nothing to do back at the dorms." She sighed again "being here at Wellston is kind of dull lately."

"Hey if you want we can go hangout or something?" I thought.

"You sure? I don't want to waste your time."

"I don't mind at all." I answered honestly.

"Alright fine but do what?" She asked.

Why, why, why did I not think of this first??

"We can go to the mall and figure it out from there." I thought.

"OK sounds like a good plan." She said.

We both went home and changed our outfits, met up and began traveling to the mall.

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