Chapter 40: I did something...right?

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Ah shit! Why the fuck is he here?! Oh gawd I better stop before I throw up again!

"Hello my good man." The Mayor smiled and greeted me.

"Um hello sir." I greeted sir.

"You're the King of Wellston High correct?" He asked.

"Um yes sir." I answered.

"Well I'm here to CONGRATULATE YOU!" He exclaimed "My team and I have been working for YEARS to bring Josh to justice for the several crimes he had committed and you finally finished the job for us!"

Soon a bunch of men came in with balloons and shit, even a cake.

"Oh um wow, I didn't know that actually." I said.

"Of course not! Josh was on a top secret wanted list." The Mayor explained.

"Top secret? Damn I didn't know he was that bad." I added.

Actually I did know he was that bad.

"Well I'll leave you alone now but we have taken your picture and even had a newspaper article written about you, you are truly Wellston's hero. Good bye for now."

"Um alright, good seeing you sir."

"Same here." He added.


I sighed to myself as I tried to calm down. There was still balloons all over the place, the only thing is that it's not my birthday.

I'm damn well not eating that cake, I feel too weak to. I'm going back to sleep.

As SOON as I tried to roll the covers back up GUESS WHAT?! The doctor discharged me.

Damn it I'M TIRED.

So now I had to go home.


The next day Wellston High:

I arrived at school with half of it crumbling.

It looked pretty bad.

After I was discharged I went to back to EMBER to actually request the abilities Josh took from DARKLORD, turns out that Jack had taken command rather quickly and was willing to trade them back for much needed supplies.

Once I had my abilities I decided to put EMBER up for sale, I really didn't care about it anymore and I assumed something like Spectre might reuse it for aura research.

For some reason, Wellston decided to still operate while the other half of the school is being repaired.

I don't care much anymore and I'm serious thinking of returning back to my hometown with my family.

When I arrived at school I noticed the former god tiers talking amongst themselves about what had just happened.

"Oh hey, Em! You're here!" Fiora exclaimed.

I handed Fiora the syringes of abilities and stated "Who's ability is who's is labeled on the veil. Just inject it to one of your ability sacks and don't talk to me for the rest of the day."

"O-oh, OK." Fiora replied sad.

"What a grouch." Skyla mumbled.

"You didn't overwork yourself and murdered someone now did ya?" I said pissed.

I just kept going to my class I was fucking done with all of this bullshit.

4 Hours Later:

Due to Wellston only operating on one half school was let out early.

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