Chapter 37: Truth Be Told

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"Am I ugly to you?"

I took that question with shock not knowing where this even came from.

"Wait excuse me WHAT?" I said.

"Answer me honestly, am I ugly to you?" Fiora asked again.

"Hold on where did you even get the idea-"

"You fucking said 'Like I'd date HER' honestly what is wrong with me?!" Fiora raised her voice.

Damn she's in a mood, it might be best to speak calmly.

"I uh, OK I see why you're upset and I'm so sorry for being hurtful I really didn't mean it the way I did. But I don't understand why this makes you upset since we are just friends and-"

Oh, shit.

"Wait you?" I looked at her strangely. I honestly don't see a reason why she would even give two fucks about me.

"Yeah I do." she hid her face in her hands. "I hid it pretty well by acting like an asshole."

Well that's going to be a problem. She shouldn't like me, she just can't. I'm not trying to be self deprecating but I just can't.

"Well that explains a lot." I said quietly.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled.

"It's OK, I should be the one who's sorry."

"But why did you even say that?" She asked disappointed.

"*Sigh* Well to be honest I just thought you disliked me and I've had a bad experience with a girlfriend before and I just don't ever want to do that again." I explained.

"I also thought you were lesbian or something." I joked.

"Yes I know the short hair I KNOW." She said annoyed.

"I only dress like this to protect myself." She explained. "Looking tomboyish protects me from being hit on, being stared at, sexually harassed etc. I was before."

"Alright." I sighed.

I had a lot on my mind, mostly about Josh's underage girlfriend and when will he find out I attacked his grunts. Plus now I have a girl confessing to me and I don't even know what to fucking do cause it was a while ago since this last happened AND I got screwed over by it.

"Anyways you never answered my question, am I ugly to you?" She asked.

"No, you're not ugly." I simply answered.

She got up and put the dishes away and just went to the bathroom, judging from her emotional energy it seems like she doesn't know what to do.

I looked at my own hands, I hated relationships at this point and I remembered that I swore to never do this again and yet here I am with someone who likes the shitty person I fucking am.

She came out of the bathroom and sat next to me.

"Can I ask you one more thing?"

"Um sure."

"Do you think I'm pretty like in that way if you know what I mean?" She looked at me nervous.

You might as well get it over with.

"I uh um yeah." I almost panicked.

"Oh, wow." She smiled in a weird way.

But what came after REALLY surprised me. She leaned over and kissed me.


"I uh am going to go like right now." I immediately said really shocked and nervous.

"Wait don't I'm sorry I j-just wanted to for a long time!" She got up and apologized.

"It's uh OK." I froze.

"Please don't go!"

"I'm sorry but." I closed the door behind me and tried to stop myself from having a bad panic attack.

I slid down the door and sat with my head in my hands. I began to overthink in the hallway.

No no NO! You weren't supposed to date ever again! Emotions like that are what made you weak you can't again! You need to be emotionless and you need to finish your goal of defeating Josh you HAVE to forget about all of this!

I looked down at my own two hands and realized that I had several cuts and scrapes on them from fighting and over use of my ability.

"I j-just can't." I said to myself.

Wellston Mall, John's POV:

It was good to see Sera out in the world again ever since...the incident.

We were hanging around the mall shopping for clothes and she seemed like she was almost normal again.

"What do you think this looks on me?" Sera pulled up a baggy black hoodie.

"Um it looks fine but you usually don't wear that stuff." I answered.

"Yeah but I kinda want to cover up a little more now." She smiled.

Like I said, almost.

"If you want it." I said.

"Alright thanks!"

We got some more stuff and paid for it and left the miniature store and kept browsing the mall.

I of course had to carry two shopping hours worth of clothes.

"Damn you're carrying all of my stuff as if you were my boyfriend." Sera joked.

"Eh I could be." I joked back.

"Pfffff like you'd want me." She brushed off. "Let's go get some boba before we keep going."

"Sounds fun." I replied. "But why do you think I was your best friend?"

"Um I dunno cause I was there for you when you needed me." She guessed.

"Yeah that but also cause I do kinda think you're cute." I added.

Then she stopped.

"Oh, that's interesting because I wanted to be your friend cause I actually liked YOU." She blushed.

Yep we are doing this in the middle of a mall and I'm not giving a shit, I will do what I want. 😁

We both bursted out laughing realizing both of us were friends cause we wanted to date each other.

"Ahaha no wonder Elaine made fun of us for being a half couple." Seraphina chuckled.

"Alright let's go get that boba now." Sera sighed.

"OK." I replied optimistic.

"Also as the Ace of Wellston I DEMAND that you have to be my boyfriend now." Sera joked.

"Fine by me." I smiled.

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