Chapter 13: Uh oh, I have been exposed. 😂

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Before you bitch ass mfs ask why my OC has my user name as his vigilante name, it's because I was stuck for like ten minutes trying to decide on my name and I thought "Fuck it, I'll just borrow my user name" because I literally could not figure out a name. Besides EnergEX sounds fucking stupid. 

"Um I can explain." I said. 

"So I have gone to this sketchy tournament that didn't even have a good fucking name that stuck and now my best friend has been attacked and I see you are like some vigilante and you got a secret friend and and AND AND AND!!!" John began panicking.

"Relax, she always helps me out when I am in trouble."

"Rarely." Infinity rolled her eyes.

Fiora got up from the magnet like gravity and began dusting off her clothes.  "Wow just wow. We couldn't even lay a finger on Josh but just because some girl has a gravity ability now he retreats. Fucking great." Fiora said pissed.

"To be honest I have been studying for months where Josh even was and how to even deal damage to him." Infinity replied. "So I may be a lower tier than you but I am way more experienced."

I sat down on the floor giving myself a break, I had felt sick since I had half of my ability robbed for a while and was over working it.

"You guys all of you, calm down. It's been a long day." I said.


"I'm just gonna get out of here." Fiora said, still pissed.

I looked around and there was scratches, dim lights and destroyed areas all over the arena. It honestly felt all stupid, I didn't even remember why I even was here anymore. It all felt pointless.

"I would suggest that you get out of here Cyber before the authorities get here. " Infinity suggested.

"Yeah I guess you're right." I replied.

I instructed John and Fiora to do the same, but I myself didn't actually leave, everyone else did.

After about five minutes everyone actually left, I stayed by myself helping to revitalize the remaining survivors.

Soon some medical services came and took everyone away into a near by medical facility. I had felt a shame that I couldn't even do shit to help them.

Maybe I am useless for a 9.9

It took a while but soon the place was completely empty and now in ruins. It was sad for sure as the left over energy resonated with a sad feeling. 

It was all crumbling and soon it revealed that the arena was actually built very poorly and cheaply.

"What a waste." I had said to myself as I began walking away after hours the trio left.

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