Chapter 3: Undefeated

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I'm superior, I hold the one of the highest ranks in the country.

Don't believe me? Hmph I'll fucking show you, you will soon enough.

Ohhhh what? I'm just a girl I wouldn't hurt you that bad?

You wish

Ah there we go, now we are talking.

My name is Fiora and I'm a level 9.0, my ability you may ask?


What's that? Oh basically I can take two or more abilities and fuse them together to create one powerful ability, I can also fuse any object as well.

Yeah that's my stats, fucking wicked if I may say so. No wait I AM ALLOWED TO.

Nexus-Mobile Headquarters, Wellston City

"Morning!" An associate calls out to me as I head my way down the halls.

"Mornin." I reply simply.

"Did you cut your hair recently? It looks nice!" She asked.

"Yeah, thanks." I answered her "I have an enrollment meeting or something today so I have to look my best you know."

I continued on walking down the hall until I hit a stairwell, I was going to go down all 187 flights of stairs.

Now yes an elevator IS faster but hey I like a challenge.

You may ask "What is a 16 year old doing in a major building of a phone service company?"

Well to be clear I didn't choose this but....

My family is part of the company like on pretty sure one of them even help found it, so my family is basically tied here and all of my relatives are like in some important role and are fucking rich.

I was practically raised with the mindset of being someone important in Nexus-Mobile.

Anyways I always preferred to learn my ability then learn business, call it teenage rebellion or whatever but I believe its more important.

For example my Uncle has a Link ability but he is only a 3.4 because he would rather talk about dumb reports and shit.

I do not want to be like that so I took my powers as far as I could.

In fact every school I went to, I easily wiped out the hierarchy and basically ran the whole thing. That's what I mean when I say ability is more important.

It shows, I have gained more influence in the company mostly as a poster girl or whatever the fuck that means.

Anyways I'm going to go enroll at Wellstom because I've heard the highest among high tiers in the state go here.

Also there is a tournament type thing going on here so wiping out Wellston High's hierarchy would be good practice.

But first, gotta race these stairs!

Wellston High

OK those stairs took longer than I expected.

I took an uber to drive me to the school which if I may say was way faster than those stairs.

By the time I arrived it almost looked like one of those generic schools that you see in almost every Japanese anime that involves a school.

However the insides did at least amaze me, I didn't see any recent patching, what I mean is like fresh cement or something because a kid had an ability tantrum.

I wonder why? Most schools always do.

I finally found the enrollment office which was actually a principal's office low and behold.

"Hey you must be that Fiora girl I was talking on the phone with you parents about!" Some turquoise haired man greeted me off guard.

Damn he must had been expecting me already, I guess my parents already spoke to him.

"Um yeah I am." I answered a little shooken.

"Have a seat, I simply want to go over some things and you can start tomorrow." He explained.

"Um OK sure." I said

"So you are 16 years old correct?" He asked.

"Yes?" I answered confused.

"Its been a while since we got a kid who was still in the middle of high school." He muttered. "So you are the 9.0 Fusion user?"

"Yes I am." I brushed off.

"Hmm you won't be disappointed here Ms. Fiona, you'll find a couple people as high or near as high as you here." He said looking over my paper work. "Wow you were never defeated in every hierarchy you've been! That's very impressive."

Fucking awesome! Can't wait to see what the hierarchy is! There gonna wish I was never here.

"Well I'll have my assistant guide you to your dorm room and help you move in, welcome to Wellston!" He smiled and signaled his assistant.

I walked outside with him carrying some of my stuff as I followed him to my supposed dorm room.

"Your gonna find that there is way too many God tiers here." He said as he led me.

"Nah, there's never enough." I said.

"Three was already bad enough, now we have five." He explained as he unlocked my dorm room. "Anyways this is your dorm room. Here is your key and we expect to see you tomorrow." He handed me my dorm key and walked off.

I finished putting my stuff away, I was surprised I had no dorm mate. Super lucky.

He got me interested when he said three was enough, were they very powerful?

And now he said five, there's another new one.

Kinda helps socially and it helps to bring another one down.

I forgot I have to sign up for the event in a couple of days!

I'm so going to win it, then I'll leave Wellston behind and go on with me life.

My family's lineage of weak money loving fools ends now.

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