Chapter 32: One Problem...

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"WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN LEVEL TWO!?" Skyla exclaimed.

I just layed my arms on the table and hid my head in them "Because they are artificial, not natural."

"It's alright, I mean its just for temporary use." Reese just sighed.

"But the people WE SAVE are level two!"

"Look, it's stuck at level two but the people in this room are god and high tiers, THAT means we could manipulate and make the most of the ability so no its not that bad alright?" 

I placed several small containers on the table that contained the artificial abilities.

"OK how would everyone like to do this?" I asked.

"Ooooo maybe we can grab one by random and have an ability chose completely by random!" Blyke suggested.

"Uhhhhh." I honestly didn't really like that idea AT ALL. This is NOT a game.

"You know what let's just pick whatever looks cool." Fiora said.

"Alright good lets go with that." I agreed.

Everyone grabbed a container and which it revealed a small chip, they placed it inside the watch and locked it.

"OK I wanna know what everyone picked!" Skyla blurted out.

"I got Magma Throw." Reese answered.

"I chose Burrito Transformation." Blyke proudly said.

OH gawd that ability was made as JOKE, damn it he chose THAT.

"Orbital Defense." Fiora answered.

I sighed to myself and said "I chose Acceleration." 

"And I got Shifter! Great we all got cool ones!" Skyla exlaimed.

"OK here's the deal, we are all gonna go to a U-Mart and we're gonna buy some hair dye. I expect all of you to have chosen a hair color AND a name once we get back OK?"

everyone agreed and we all went to U-Mart.

Although when we went the cashier to purchase our goods and uh, he gave us all a look and mumbled "Stupid kids these days trying to be trans and shit."

Well that was VERY rude but I see where he was coming from.

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