Chapter 36: Something Is Up

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Fiora's POV, Wellston High:

I hid in the bathroom.


I don't want to see him anymore.

Ever since he stated "Like I would date HER." He had broken my heart and now I get upset a lot without anyone knowing.

Honestly this is not like me at all but alas here I am.

I'm trying not to cry every time I see him. It sucks.

"Hey Fiora are you in there? Class is about to start!" I heard Remi knock on the bathroom stall.

"Um yeah, uh sorry I'm just taking a while I'll be out in a minute."

I quickly cleaned up my face and left and immediately went to class, I forgot I sat next to him since he and I are royals.

"You took forever." Emerson joked.

"Shut up."

"Nah, I'd prefer not to." He giggled.

"Shut up or else I'll kill you." I warned.

"Fiora I DID almost kill YOU." He reminded me. "So what makes you think-"

"Just be quiet, I'm upset right now." I hissed.

"Why? Did someone you like reject you or did something bad happen?" He asked sympathetically.

Yeah YOU did you dumbass.

"Well someone kinda did." I sighed.

"Who is it? I'll beat their ass." He said.

"You can't really."

"Why? I'm a 9.9, of course I can." He responded confused.

"No it's just that, nevermind." I sighed again. "Not like it would make any difference."

I just went mute and class started, it was fucking boring as hell and I still don't understand why Emerson decided to attend Wellston instead of continuing being homeschooled.

I hate him so much.

Class was over and I just continued on with my day, however I did notice John acting strange lately and he has been avoiding Seraphina a lot. Something is up with him.

I dared not to ask what's up because Emerson said that he did tamper with John's ability somewhat.

I went back to my dorm room and just sat there. I tried to not be sad but it was hard. You try being rejected without even getting the chance to ask the person out.

You know what maybe I should go read a book.

My roommate Skyla kept a LOT of books around here, luckily she was out with Blyke doing god knows what so I was alone by myself.

I picked up one and immediately threw it.

The legend of the two homosexual dragons who were in love?! What the fuck?!

Turns out she kept a lot of strange romance novels.

I decided not to read because just the romance part would make me sad and I'm not in the fucking mood.

So I just played around on my phone, mostly scrolling through social media.

However there was one post that stuck out to me. It had read:

"If you have the chance to do it, do it now.'

It was something motivational but stupid however I did take it in.

I decided to call that son of a bitch.

I'm going to rat the shit out of him.

Ember HQ, Emerson's POV:

What the fuck is this white shit all over his fucking desk!?

I had a meeting with Josh to discuss equipment and product trade between DARKLORD and EMBER.

Soon Josh did arrive.

"Ah leader Emerson, glad to see you made it." He raised his hand.

I shook it back "Glad to see you."

Gawd I hate him.

"Before we begin I want to show you someone." He smiled.

Behind was a 13 yo girl that had black hair.

"This is my girlfriend Clara, Clara this is Emerson one of my friends

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"This is my girlfriend Clara, Clara this is Emerson one of my friends." Josh explained.

Girlfriend?! SHE'S 13 AND YOU ARE 25!!

"W-wait excuse me is this a joke?" I asked concerned.

"Just cause I'm younger doesn't mean I don't love him!" She protested.

"She's strong too, a 6.2 in Water Sorcerer." Josh smiled.

"Um okay?" I was so fucking shocked, not only had he raped Seraphina which was already predator like enough since she is 16 his GIRLFRIEND is fucking thirteen years old!

"Anyways so would you like to begin sending grunts to trade special stock to advance our teams?" Josh asked.

"Um yeah sure." I replied knowing damn well I'm going to destroy EMBER itself any damn minute now.

"Great, glad this could be a speedy meeting." He walked away with his gIrLfRiEnD and left the room.

I was so fucking confused and scared FOR her and I had to figure out how to save her. This is not fucking good at all.


I already know how I'm going to kill him.

It'll be tough though.

As I left DARKLORD HQ I received a call, I picked it up knowing it was Fiora.

"Hey." She started.

"Oh hey. What's up?"

"I-I just wanted to know if you would like to come over and maybe hang out or something?" She asked sounding nervous.

"Um yeah sure, I'll be there in a minute." I replied.

"Wait really?" She asked.

Having Energy Manipulation I ran at the speed of sound to her front door step. "I'm already here."

She hang up and opened the door looking nervous as hell.

"Oh um h-hi."

"Hey, I'm here." I said.

"G-good come in." She let me inside.

I noticed that she kept the place all nice and tidy looking, I sat down on her couch.

She had tea on the coffee table.

"Hear um serve yourself, there's also cookies if you want one."

I took one and bit it cause I was rather hungry and I always forget or ignore to eat.

"So what did you want to do?" I asked.

"Um actually there was something I wanted to talk to you about." She scratched her head.

"Yeah what is it?" I asked curious.

"Am I ugly to you?"

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