Chapter 39: Bring Him Down

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Damn it he's stronger than I thought!

He had already destroyed an entire section with his powers and was ready for another attack.

"It's hard to beat the Shadows." Josh stated.

"Then why did you name your team something stupid like DARKLORD and not Shadow?" I asked.

I sped into him and I energy slashed him and pushed him away putting him down for a second.

"You think a small energy slash would be enough to take me down?" Josh taunted.

"Obviously not if you're still fucking running your mouth like a little bitch."

Immediately I felt a power rush of water hit my back and shove me into a wall turning it into ruble.

"Don't talk to my Josh like that!" His girlfriend yelled.

"Thank you kindly Clara." Josh smiled.

"You're suck a faggot that you had to bring your girlfriend to help you huh? What kind of guy is that?" I mocked.

"Silence!" He hurled a shadow spear at me and Clara used an hydro pump attack on me, both of which I blocked.

I energy sped through them taking them hurling, I drifted around and created an energy hurricane.

Then out of nowhere Josh had been hit with a giant piece of rock.

"Ow damn it! Who threw that?!"

I turned around and saw Skyla using her powers.

"I'm not going to let you fight him alone!" Skyla looked at me.

"Thanks, I need all the help I can get!"

Skyla fired more ruble at Josh while I headed for Clara first.

I charged through the hydro pump and stabbed her with an energy claw and quickly drained some of her life energy.

There that should put her down for a while.

"How dare you touch her!" Josh yelled, angry.  He  hurled up in shadow firm, returned to human form and hurled at me with a shadow ball.

Then another black haired man hurled up at him  and hit him with a black lighting bolt.

"This is for raping my girlfriend you prick!" John yelled.

"John what are you doing?!" I yelled.

"Buying you time!" He said back.

"Useless." Josh mumbled.

Josh stabbed John with a syringe and stole his ability causing John to fall to the ground.

Soon time froze as Seraphina tried to freeze time.

Arlo trapped Josh in a barrier.

Skyla created a stone henge around Josh from Wellston's ruble.

Blyke rapidly fired at Josh.

Fiora used a Chaos Blast ability on him that she made.

Reese destroyed everything around Josh.

I realized that I had a whole team to aid me against Josh.

Maybe going to Wellston WAS the answer to finally taking him down!

"You fools." Josh stuttered. "You think you can beat me?"

"You're out numbered by several god tiers." Seraphina sternly said.

"Weak ones." Josh smiled.

He turned into shadow form and swiftly attacked Seraphina, Arlo, Blyke, Reese, Skyla and Fiora and stole their abilities and knocked them down.

Josh was heading for me next but I am fast enough to outrun the shadow.

I turned my ability to the max and speed away at light speed.

I was running with energy sparks covering me and yet I turn around and I see a black shadow chasing me.

Damn it he's catching up to me!

I started to run in zig zags trying to confuse him which eventually worked. I spun around several buildings and attackef Josh from behind using a energy power kick.

If you're wondering my ability can attack anything that has an energy attached to it, Josh's shadow has his soul energy attached to it.

He returned to human form, at this point we were right smack in the middle of Wellston City.

"You're a tough opponent!" Josh declared. "Most max god tiers can barely fight me but YOU!"

"Look I don't fucking know why either, all I know is that you can't live much longer!" I shouted.

I swifted my arm at him and hurled a energy storm at him and knocked him, he started whipping shadow vines all around me and yet I was out running all of them.

I charged energy all around me had sparks flying off me. I was going faster and faster, powerful balls of energy was hurling in my hands.






The sound was so loud and I was way too fast for even Josh to notice.

My ears were ringing and it took a couple of minutes to get my hearing back.

Josh's body looked mutilated but he still managed to get up.

"Y-you cannot d-defeat me." Josh said.

"Says who." I stabbed him with an energy claw and used a mega life drain on him, something I have NEVER used before.

In seconds, Josh was dead.

My body felt like it was going to collapse from the over use of energy, I sat down and tried to wrap my head around what had just happened.

"I can't believe it, I did it." I said to myself shocked.

Strangely no police or ambulances had shown up yet

As if people were trying to get Josh dead for a long time.

But soon enough medical services came, it came to me as a shock when only one came and it was actually for ME.

However I didn't care, I was too weak and I passed out.

At least I finished my journey.

It was over, at least I thought so.

Wellston Health First Hospital:

I woken up in a VERY uncomfortable bed with a shitty drape shirt instead of my usual hoodie and jeans.

Ew I look gross in this.

I noticed I was getting an IV infusion due to the fact u had over worked my body.

Soon a doctor came up and mumbled "Good, he's awake." He then left an another man had came in.

It was the Mayor of Wellston.

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