Chapter 5: Registration Compilation

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- The Next Day Boys Dorms -

I looked at myself in the mirror confused on my own looks. Like how did I have naturally multi colored hair???

My eye color changes to that of my aura, which never happened when I was younger. Now whenever I activate my powers it turns blue.

I just said fuck it to myself and blew it off, it was too much to think about anyways.

I got out of the bathroom of my half vacant dorm and just sat down on the couch to check up my to do list.

OK let's see we have deposit money into my account, buy a new laptop and sign up for the tournament. Oh that's today?

I forgot that today was sign ups and they were only taking higher ranked high tiers and god tiers.

So I had a pretty good shot at signing up if I may say.

I grabbed a hoodie, some running shoes, my wallet and my phone. I made sure I was clean looking and I left my dorm room.

I walked over to a small registration building that was in walking distance. The building was pretty small and white but it looked very official, I stepped inside and was greeted by the clerk.

"Hello how are you?" She asked.

"Fine, you?" I answered.

"Very well myself. What brings you here?"

"Um I'm here to ask if I can register for the National Arena" I explained.

"Sure! For some reason we have a lot of spots open so let's see your status first."

The clerk asked me from some information and began searching the database.

"So it says on my computer that you are a Energy Manipulation user with a score of 9.9 correct?" She said.

"Yes that is correct." I confirmed.

"Well you are well more than qualified, just sign your name here, pay the fee and you are registered." She explained as she handed me a clipboard with a document on it.

I paid the registration fee and signed my name, before I knew it I was registered.

"All set, good luck next week!" She said.

"Thank you." I responded.

That was easier than I thought. Wow I can't believe it, I'll be actually be fighting against other people as powerful as I am.

- 1 Hour Later, Fiora's Point Of View -

I was doing some clothes shopping at a mall doing my usual thing when I noticed a small little booth sitting there in the middle of the mall.

I dismissed it assuming that it was some stupid car insurance or vacation scam thing. But it was when I was near it while trying to head for a certain store that I realized that it was a registration for the National Arena.

Wait a minute! Sign ups are today! I totally forgot! Thank goodness there's a booth right here in the middle of the fucking mall.

I headed towards the sign up booth and got the clerk's attention. "Excuse me?"

"Hm yes? May I help you?" He asked.

"Yes actually, I was wondering if you could sign me up." I explained.

"Huh you are the first person to stop at this booth, let alone ask to sign up." He chuckled.

Wait really? Does that mean not a lot of people are actually signing up?!

"Oh um wow." I said. "Anyways can you?"

"Yes I can, you have to pay a small fee and must be either a high or god tier but other than that you may." He told me.

"Don't worry I'm good in both." I smiled.

He looked up my information and found my stats and ability. He asked me to sign a piece of paper and to pay a small fee.

I complied with both and signed my name and paid him the money. To me it was nothing since my family is like stupid fucking rich.

"All right, you are all set. Have a good day!" He said.

"You too!" I replied leaving the booth.

Well that was interesting.

Finally I began to actually go to the store I was heading to and lick out some things.

- 6 Hours Later, John's Point Of View -

There's going to be a problem here at Wellston.....

You see I was uncontrollable, I had mental issues and I was granted access to an over powered ability.

However I had a friend to help me and support but these two...

I'm afraid they will do what I did but this time worse. They are stronger than both Sera and I and on top of that I don't know the capabilities of their powers.

I have to get stronger, I have to get on their level. Once I'm on it, I'll be able to stop them if something bad happens.

I don't want what happened to me for them.

Plus who knows maybe this "Ember" group Remi constantly talks about might get them one day.

I sat on the couch thinking of the harsh reality and the struggle of getting to at least an 9.0

Like I said that number is really high however I have not been ability tested in like a year so I'm probably already an eight by now.

In that case it would be easy just to jump to one level.

But how would I do that? I can't fight anyone out of rage anymore.

I also don't want to fight for no reason.

Fighting, only thing that really levels you up.

Wait a minute!

I remembered about the arena event thing that the new kids were talking about. It seemed like the solution to my problems.

I turned on my laptop and began searching on the web for this thing until I found something.

An online registration for this event.

The website looked pretty new so they must have recently put it up.

It seemed pretty straight forward. All I was asked to do was to enter some information, pay a fee and digitally sign it.

It seemed so easy.

I was already done in five minutes, I couldn't believe I had registered.

Those kids, I'll make sure nothing gets out of hand.

Leveling up should be easy now.......

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