Chapter 25: Match Up

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Emerson's POV: 

I knew I just needed John's ability to complete the mission and the way I would do that was that I would steal his ability while he is asleep, he doesn't need anymore PTSD plus I at least know how to get in his dorm. His dumbass leaves a spare key under the mat.

My plan was that I would take all of their abilities, place them in a special EMBER ability copy machine and then I would give Josh the 1 to 1 copy and give back the originals to my friends. I have no idea WHY Josh wants their abilities but I at least can take down EMBER from the inside from doing this though I would have to worry about DARKLORD next.

It was late so John was for sure asleep, I retrieved the key and snuck in his dorm, I walked into his bedroom quietly cause I knew Blyke was also there so I had to be sneaky.

I found him and placed the syringe in his arm and extracted his ability and then injected it into a special container.

Alright, all three abilities retrieved. OK good.

I had put my things in a backpack and started heading out, it was dark out but no one was around. I decided to just let loose and walk home in the dark without my ability.

It was nice out, I especially liked walking in the dark with moonlight.

I could feel a foreign energy out, like one I didn't recognize. It was a human energy so there must be a stranger out here that's looking for ME.

I got a little scared and nervous so I started to walk a little faster, but I told my self to face it so I turned around and in the corner of my eye there was a blonde standing in the corner.

You're just overreacting, stop being so scared.

"Hey you, I've been looking for you." He barked.

"Oh you are? Um why?" I asked nervous and confused.

"You're the jackass Josh wants to replace me with. " He started "I'm here for the abilities, to take YOURS and to fucking defeat and maybe kill you."

"Um OK? At least give me your name if you have a DROP of decency." I said a little annoyed by this guy.

"My name is Jack and that's all you need to know." He shapeshifted into a angel looking thing in a cloak and began to charge at me with an angelic sword.

I set up an energy shield around me and he tried to attack it several times but it was no use.

"This will be easy." I mumbled to myself trying to hold up the shield.

"What makes you say so?" Jack asked trying to attack.

"Cause its obvious I'm stronger."

I disabled the barrier and dodged out of the way causing Angel-Form Jack to trip and I threw several energy boomerangs at him.

He spun his sword and made a holy circular shield and protected himself.

"What was that again?" Jack said looking pretty smug.

Haha he fucking fell for it.

I snuck up behind him and launched an energy blast at him and pushed him down then I striked with an energy blade.

He got up and we started to duel with the swords.

"That was a pretty strong blast I'll give you that, Josh will be very happy once he has your ability as well!" Jack remarked.

"Thanks but he can't have it." I smiled back. "Besides I need it."

Without warning I summoned several energy spikes from the ground and stabbed Jack with all of them.

"D-damn" That's all he said.

OK judging from the way he is fighting me and his strength I would guess he is around a 7 and his ability might be Angelic Transformation?

"Josh didn't fucking describe HOW powerful you would be." Jack said "Guess that makes beating you all the more satisfactory!"

"Trust me, I've had stronger that put a better fight."

I lifted my hand in the air and grasped it and started summoning powerful energetic thunder all around me and I started creating a thunder surge all over the place. No normal person would even survive except me.

I then charged all of that absorbed electricity and turned it all into a powerful energy ball that was full of static energy.

I fired it all at Jack at hit him pretty hard and even made him land in a crater.

He looked pretty beat up.

"I-I'm an angel right now, how could I lo-ose?" Jack stuttered returning to human form.

"Its not that you're weak Jack. It's just that I can manipulate literally ANY energy and I am VERY high leveled." I explained.

I started to suck his life energy with my hand just so he won't go attacking anyone for a little while, but as I was doing that and sapping him he yelled "NO! I am the MOST powerful combat champion of DARKLORD! I will not lose to some pathetic nobody he never even got training for this!"

He returned to Angel Form causing my sapping to stop and he drew TWO angelic swords and charged at me again.

Won't give up eh? I'll give you that, you have potential.  

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