𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙾𝚗𝚎 - 𝐀 𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐥𝐞...

614 11 6

Bold + Italic + Underlined = author's note
Italic + " = someone speaking
Bold = inside mind

Hi, my name's River, River Woods.
I live in a small town with my family.
I have an older brother called Matthew, and this is my story...

9 p.m.

"When are you planning to go to sleep River?" My mom asked me, we were both in the living room and I was still on my phone, not wanting to go to sleep.

"Yeah I'm gonna go eat soon.." I replied.

"No River you have school tomorrow, go have dinner now!" My dad yelled from another room.

"Ugh. Fine..."

I went to the kitchen, and started making myself dinner. I grabbed milk from the fridge, cereal from the kitchen pantry and sat down.

"Hey River?.."

"Yeah? What's up Hugo?"

"You know how you watched that movie 'Encanto'?"


"I kinda have the power to take you in their universe.."

"What?! That's not possible! Pffttt you're just my imagination, you can't do things like that, magic's not real-" My eyes widened at his sentence.

The person I'm talking to right now is Hugo, he's my imaginary friend and I can communicate with him with my mind and voice. I was communicating with him by my voice now. I totally forgot my parents could hear me and it would look kinda weird..

"Well I'll prove it to you!"

"River what are you doing?!" Dad yelled from the other room.

"Uhh.. I'm eating..?!"

"Then eat!"

"Yeah!... I gotta eat, hurry and tell me!" I started whispering.

"Alright so wake up in like 11:20 and go outside the house, I'll tell you more when you're gonna be outside."

"Tell me everything now!"

"Alright.. And then go to the dam and on the field that's next to it."

"All the way to the dam?!-" I forgot to whisper this sentence.

"Are you done eating yet?!" Dad yelled again. He was really mad at me because of how late I'm going to sleep.

"Yeah I'm done, hehe..."

I went to go clean my cat's punch, brush my teeth and then I changed my clothes and went to bed

9.45 p.m.

I was already in my bed, thinking about what Hugo said. I don't want to do it, but I also do want to? No, that's not like me.. I know I'm crazy but I'm not THAT crazy..

"Hugo, I'm scared.. what if my parents catch me sneaking out and then it would be worthless and I'm gonna be too tired to wake up to school and I'll be late or never even arrive-"

"-Don't worry River, I'll set a magic spell on them so it would be harder for them to wake up and you'll sneak out eventually."

"I still don't believe you have magical powers though.." I grinned, thinking about what I'm about to do.

"Look, I'm your imaginary best friend, you can count on me and if j let you down that's just gonna be a hint for you to never believe your imaginary friend ever again, alright?"

"Argh.. alright but what about my school? I'll never wake up if I'm gonna be awake at midnight just for nothing.."

"Goodnight, okay?"


A few hours later..
11.50 p.m.

"See? You snuck out without a trace and now you're at the dam just in time"

I stood there frozen realizing what I just did.. My mind is playing tricks on me and I believed them!
My hands where shaking and I was deep in my thoughts.

What was i thinking?
Hugo is just my imagination
What am I doing here?
I should be at home
I'm gonna be in so much trouble

I stood there like that until the voice woke me up from my thoughts

"River we don't have time, what are you doing?"

Tears came into my eyes.. "Nothing, I'm going now.."

"Don't worry River, I know how you feel but it's gonna be fine okay?.."

12.00 a.m.

"Well I'm here, on the fields and it's exactly 12 o'clock..?"

I noticed the sky.. the clouds suddenly ripped apart and created a window for me to look at the moon. It was beautiful..
The moon started to turn into a golden color which i never saw before, but i thought it was normal.

I started to feel dizzy..

Oh no.. this wasn't supposed to happen! Am I gonna pass out? Did Hugo betray me? None's gonna help me here. I'm gonna die..

It was kinda obvious something like this could happen.. my mind played tricks on me. What was I thinking?.. It's like sleep walking but it's way worse, you're more aware of yourself and you make risks that you can't reverse anymore and it just turns into a horrible mess. Something like when you use drugs..

"Hey Hugo?.. I never thought of how it is to die.. But now I know I guess.. I'm stupider than I thought I was.. Thank you for helping me with my insecurities Hugo.. You were the best imaginary friend I could ever ask for.." I said, feeling funny.

Why did I say that? I do believe in magic, and I believe a miracle is gonna happen. I'm not gonna die! Or, I hope..

I looked around me, while I was still conscious. Everything suddenly started to change. The trees disappeared.. Instead there were.. walls? I was suddenly inside a house!

I saw someone standing next to me. He looked quite the boy I never thought I would saw.. Wait, he had black hair! I imagined Hugo with black hair..

It was Hugo!

I closed my eyes and fell. I thought I would have a painful fall on the hard ground but no.. I fell on a bed. Where did that bed come from? No, where did that room come from?!

𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗠𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹... (ᴀ ᴄᴀᴍɪʟᴏ x ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ sᴛᴏʀʏ)Where stories live. Discover now