𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 - 𝐀 R𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 & 𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐲..

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8 a.m.

I woke up in my room, I don't know why, but I was happy. I remembered that yesterday Camilo invaded into my house, but that doesn't matter now. Today is a good day! And it's because I have a good mood.

"Good morning River! So you and Camilo made up?" Hugo said inside my mind. I got out of bed, and started to get ready.

"Hm, yeah." I said nervously

"Is there something wrong?.." He said, acting like he doesn't know. Maybe he forgot? Or he's a good actor..

"Nah, it's fine. I can't let anything spoil my mood today!" I said, trying to act confident. I had problems with confidence, but I think I'm getting more comfortable now.

"Oh, about yesterday.. I'm sorry I didn't mean it, I don't know why I said that.."

"I said it's fine!" I wanna forget about yesterday..

8.30 a.m.

"I'm going out, bye bro!" I said to Matthew who was downstairs already, and rushed out the door.

I have to find Mirabel. Something was wrong with the Casita.. I wanna help her. We can find the vision faster than in the movie, maybe I'm gonna make an end that's gonna be better than the original!

And I found.. Camilo? Okay, that's unfortunate.. But it's not Mirabel.

"Hey River! What's up?"

"Oh, hey Camilo! I'm fine, how 'bout you?"

"I'm fine as well. What're you up to?"

"Oh, uhh- I- Mirabel! Have you seen Mirabel?.."

"Mirabel? Yeah, she's helping tía Julieta in Casita. We're gonna be having lunch soon, they're making food."

"Okay, thanks!" I said and then rushing towards Casita, but he grabbed my wrist before letting me.

"Just be careful, Abuela might not wanna see you there.. Especially when you're alone." He said with a concerned voice. He cares about me?

I smiled at him. "Thanks for reminding me." And went towards Casita.

(Time skip...)

Casita was silent.. it shined with bright colors, as always but it was empty. I found Mirabel with Julieta in the kitchen.

"Hi Mirabel!" I said excitedly, I saw her again! I know I saw her yesterday but I missed her! She's such a great friend.

"Oh, you're Mirabel's friend she talked about, right?" Julieta said kindly

"Haha- Yeah! Give me a second mamá!" Mirabel said, grabbing me and dragging me somewhere where we're alone.

"It's good to see you, but did you forget what Abuela said yesterday? What if she catches you here, I don't want you in trouble!" Mirabel said, concerned about me.

"I appreciate you, but I'm gonna be fine! Abuela's not here." I said, hoping nothing would go wrong.

"Mirabel! Abuela wants you!" Julieta called from the kitchen

"Stay here! I'm gonna come back." Mirabel said and rushed to the kitchen.

I couldn't let Abuela mistreat her again, and no one would help Mirabel because everyone fears her. So I obviously followed Mirabel, and started listening around the corner..

"Mirabel, tommorow is the proposal dinner with the Guzmán's, you better not mess it up! We need to grow our family, Isabela's 21 and she still hasn't got engaged. Mariano is right for her, so don't ruin it!"

Abuela said to Mirabel and Julieta just Stood there next to them, watching sadly. That's it! I'm coming out.

"How could she possibly ruin it?" I came from behind the corner

"Ah, I was just about to go find you. I'm sorry for what I said yesterday, I was a bit mad that we were wasting time with Mirabel's lies.."

Abuela suddenly said. I couldn't believe my eyes.. She just ignored my question, and said that Mirabel is lying, and now she's apologizing?!

"River! What are you doing?!" Mirabel said, shocked. I ignored it, and continued

"First, Mirabel wasn't lying yesterday, and second, answer my question. Is it because she doesn't have a gift? Because she's different from the rest of your family? That doesn't mean she ruins everything. You're treating her like Bruno!" I said

"What do you know about Bruno?!.." Abuela said. I came up with an excuse really fast.

"Rumors go around fast, y'know it.." I said, trying to remain calm

"Alright.. Anyway, you're invited to our dinner tommorow evening. I hope you'll come!" Abuela said. Could this day get even weirder?

"Mirabel, Julieta, back to work! Go get the table ready, we'll be eating soon." Abuela said, and left the house.

"I'm gonna go talk to Dolores, about.. where she's gonna sit at the table! Yeah, I wanna sit next to her. Do you mind, mami?" Mirabel said, winking at me. Of course she wanted to get more information about the magic last night.

"Yeah, It's fine hija. I can prepare the table myself." Julieta said, and smiled at Mirabel. She smiled as well and rushed out of Casita. Mirabel has such a kind mother, no wonder she got the ability of healing.

"So, you're River, right?" Julieta started a conversation with me.

"Yeah, I am señora."

"Oh, call me tía, River! You're really kind, Mirabel never had friends like that."

"Yeah, I also never had better friends than Mirabel. I'm lucky I met her on the first day since I moved here."

"Oh, do you like it here in Valle de Cocora, then?"

"Yeah, it's really beautiful here! I wish I wasn't here only for a month.."

"Well then, a month is more than enough. We will help you make an unforgettable memory of this village and us!"

"Thank you tía.. I really appreciate you!"

The table was prepared, and me and tía Julieta hugged. Why can't such kind people exist on Earth?..

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