𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚡 - 𝐀 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩

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We just hit 115 reads on the first chapter and 845 in total, which I'm really grateful for! Thank you so much everyone! Onto the chapter..

Camilo's p.o.v:

"I know you're listening Camilo." Hugo said after I started coughing out of shock. She's where?!

"I can't not listen, I'm in the same room."

"Well, just so you know, I can't do anything to save her. She's by herself now."

"She's gonna get hurt. I can't let that happen." I turned around to face him.

"There's nothing we can do Camilo."

"Then why can't you just teleport me in that universe?"

"You.. can't go there.."

"Why not?"

"You wouldn't understand."

"Why does this have to be so difficult, I need to save her!"

"She's gonna come back soon, okay?"

I sat down and started eating my arepas in silence. Hugo and Abuela were both silent as well. I started thinking about everything..

How did she get into a different universe? How is that possible though? Why can't I go there? Is Hugo just lying to me? Will River get hurt? Will she ever come back? How long do I have to wait?

I don't want to wait for too much, I need to see her. Seeing someone as beautiful as her is rare. Her face that always wears a cute smile. Beautiful green-blue eyes that I could always get lost in. Small freckles on her nose and cheeks. Long, dark and silky hair. I could stare at her forever. She was perfect.

"Earth to Camilo, are you listening?" Mirabel interrupted me from thinking.


"Tío Bruno wanted to meet with us both, come on!" She said and dragged me out of the kitchen.

"Wait, what about my arepas?!" I groaned while Mirabel was dragging me to tío Bruno's new vision cave, and permanent room. I still wonder where he sleeps, there's no bed in there.

"You had enough for breakfast."

"No I didn't! They're the love of my life!"

"I thought River was the love of your life?"

"Yeah, of course. Forgot to add, right after River. Arepas get the second place."

"And me?"

"You're on the third place."

"Wow, thanks." She said ironically.

"You're welcome!" I replied.

"I'm back with Camilo!" Mirabel said as we entered the cave. Bruno and Dolores were sitting there on the ground.

"Dolores? What's she doing here, I thought it's only us?"

"Do you have a problem, hermano?" Dolores said with a deadly stare.

"Nope." I said and gulped. I smiled nervously and sat down. We were now sitting in a small circle.

"As you all know, River is gone and Hugo won't tell us anything. I summoned all of you here because you're the closest to River. I got an idea, but it's gonna be challenging." Tío Bruno said.

"So you know how to rescue her?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, no. But I can try something new. I found an old book about magical blessings from the history, and I thought we could give Mirabel a temporary gift. I'm gonna need to borrow the candle, which Abuela doesn't want us to even touch. Are you willing to help me?"

"Sure, I can distract." Dolores offered.

"And me and Camilo will take the candle. Got it!" Mirabel said.

"I'll do anything to have River back. Let's do it."

And so, they went into action. The plan was, Dolores listening if Abuela was going to her room so Camilo would shapeshift into someone and come up with an excuse to avoid Abuela coming into the room while Mirabel is sneaking the candle. In the meantime, Bruno waited for them in his vision cave.

"She's coming!" Dolores whispered to me. We were both hiding behind the corner.

"On it!" I said and shapeshifted into Isabela. "Abuela, there you are! I actually wanted to discuss something with you.."

"Isabela! I wasn't expecting you. What do you want to talk about then? I have a lot of work to do."

"Let's go downstairs, I'll tell you there."

"Alright, let me just place these books back in my bookshelf-"

"NO!- I mean- It's about River. Very important! You can place them down in the kitchen in the meantime."


"Let's go!" I said and we went downstairs together, Abuela still holding a pile of books.

Mirabel's p.o.v:

I climbed into Abuela's room from outside using her window.

Okay, I'm here. Just gotta take the candle- Wait, why am I doing this?.. To my own Abuela. To my family. If something goes wrong, it's gonna be because of me. I'm basically stealing the candle. Why?-

"Mirabel, hurry up! Camilo is getting suspicious!" Dolores bursted into the room. I quickly took the candle and put in my bag. Me and Dolores went outside and downstairs to meet with Abuela.

"Dolores, you should teach your younger brother to stop with his pranks. He shapeshifted into and acted like Isabela!" Abuela said and continued upstairs with her books.

Narrator's p.o.v:

The two girls then walked up to Camilo. He was scratching the back of his head from embarrassment.

"Sorry, I was trying as hard as I could-"

"It's fine, I got the candle. Let's go fast before Abuela is gonna notice!" Mirabel said.

"You're right, I should go and stop her from going into her room. You two go meet with tío Bruno!" Dolores said and ran off.

Mirabel and Camilo then went back to the vision cave to meet with their tío. After they showed him the candle, he took out his book. It said, "Magic revealed by the piece of burning light, cannot be undone until it goes out."

"Didn't you say temporary?"

"I guess I must've missed this one-"

"Like, I would love to have a gift but Abuela doesn't. I'm supposed to be giftless! And if it can't be undone till someone blows the candle out, what are we gonna do?"

"I can try absorbing your powers from you so you won't have a gift without needing to blow the candle out." Hugo came in and said.

"So you can then take my gift? Without having to blow the-"

"Yes, it's simple."

"But what if Mirabel will get a gift that's not useful?" Camilo asked.

"We can only hope for the best." Bruno said and lifted the candle up.

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