𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙵𝚘𝚞𝚛 - 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠?..

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"W-why..?" I asked.

"We figured out that you're absorbing our magic from the miracle when you're close to Encanto, and Hugo said you gotta go back home so.. yeah."

"Wait, you never told me that!" Camilo said turning to Luisa who was across the room.

"I'm sorry, but until the fixing is done, the villagers fill be angry just like they're now." She said, looking outside the window. We did as well and there was a group of villagers, talking.

"Right.." I mumbled. So it must be the symbol. The symbol is the reason why Dolores couldn't hear Camilo's and Agustín's conversation. Or how Bruno's magic during the vision failed. And Camilo probably never shapeshifted to a kid and I actually hit him. In the head. Where his bandage is.

"So this bullshit just ended and she has to leave?" Camilo said annoyed.

"Language!" His ma scolded him.

"I'm sorry, but how am I supposed to say goodbye? What if I wanna spend more time with her before she leaves?"

"What do you wanna do in the village while it looks like this?" Mirabel said.

"I mean, you're right but.." Camilo then got stuck.

"First things first, we need to get you healed. Will going in my mind help?"

"What do you mean?" Isa asked.

"Oh! That's- I don't know, let me try it though." I said and disappeared.


"Can you go and check for me if it worked?-" I asked but I expected Sarah to be here, and not.. Hugo.. "Oh, hey.."

"Hi.." He only answered. He was sitting on the non-existent, black floor, his back facing me.

"Well uh- Could you, please?.. We can talk after. It's gonna take a while before they're all healed."

"The only thing you care about. Sure." He said and disappeared.

"No, that's not.. true.. I still care about you." I said and after a while he came back.

"Yeah, it's working. Isa just healed her scar." He said.

"Look, I know I'm not paying much attention to you, but that was the purpose, no? Since you got me here, I'm supposed to hang out with them. But I can hang out with you when I get back home?-

"Yeah, yeah. I'm a bad friend anyways. I didn't mean what I said back then though."

"No, you were right. I was stupid enough to choose that option. But I didn't have another choice."

"Sarah could literally help you!"

"No she couldn't! She doesn't have those powers like you!"

"But she can teleport??"

"Well not other people, I guess. Only herself."

"Okay then.." He said, defeated. I came to hug him from behind.

"I love you. Don't forget that." I said. (Not romantically)

"I love you too."

"When am I leaving?.."

"After you get some sleep. It's 9.30 pm."

"Oh.. Also, I don't wanna let a copy of me live in here. What if Camilo will like her better and won't even miss me?" I pulled away from the hug.

"We don't have to let that happen, if you don't want to. But Camilo and the others will be sad." He said and turned around to face me.

"Then I'll.. Give him a gift!"

"Nice idea. Now, go back. You have a little time to spend with Camilo. Don't wanna miss it, right?"

"Right!" I said and left to reality.


I looked around the room. They were all healed now! I came to hug Camilo. Dunno why, just felt like it, I guess.

"You're fine now! And not just you!"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said and hugged me back. I then pulled away from the hug and turned to face everyone.

"I owe you all a huge apology. I did a dumb choice and I wasn't controlling myself. I didn't want to hurt any of you, and I hope you can forgive me." I said and bowed, like a maid apologizing to royalty.

"Aww, that's sweet!" Dolores said.

"Alright, we're gonna go now-" Camilo said but Isabela interrupted him.

"River, can you come with us for a second before you two leave?"

"Sure." I said and followed Isa out of the room, Dolores came with us.

"So, me and Dolores came up with an idea.."

"..to give him a gift! That's what I was thinking!" I added.

"Yes! And so, while you were gone, I made this!" Isa showed me a yellow flower crown.

"Wait, that?-"

"He wears my eyeshadow, he'll like it for sure." Dolores said, smirking.

"Oh, right! Thanks girls, it's beautiful!" I said and put it in my bag that I somehow had with me. They left and instead Camilo came out of the room with Mirabel.

"Good luck!" I heard Mirabel say and she went back into the kitchen as well.

"So, uh- Wanna go somewhere before sleep?" Camilo asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"Like where?"

"Don't worry, it's close."

"Alright, take me." I said. He grabbed my hand and we rushed upstairs.

"Casita, stairs." He said as we stopped on a balcony and the Casita formed a staircase from the bricks.


"Are you scared of heights?" He said when he stepped on the bricks and turned around to face me. He held his hand out to me, smirking.

"No, but are you?" I said, took his hand and stepped on the bricks also.

"Depends." He said and we continued on the roof. We stopped on a certain place, where we could clearly see the whole sky.

"I hope you have good balance." He said and laid down, using his hands as a pillow for his head.

"Don't worry, I was a gymnast when I was little." I said and sat down.

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