𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐚'𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥

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"No no no!" Pepa said as she saw the cracks. They were getting to Abuela's window where the candle was. We all turned around to watch the situation.

"The candle!" Abuela said worryingly. The whole house broke, and the candle overturned. I started running towards it.

"River, wait!" Mirabel yelled at me.

"Stay where you are! I got this!" I answered.

"Hugo, please.. I need some hope.. Please give me some luck right now, I need it!"

"I always got your back River.."

"Casita! Get me up there!" I said as I gained confidence thanks to Hugo, and Casita made a ladder out of the fence on the balcony, for me to climb.

I was now on the roof, in front of the window. The whole house was cracking, it was about to fall for sure. It was hard to get the candle, since the window was high from where the roof was.

"RIVER! COME BACK!" Mirabel yelled. She really was worried about me.

"I'M COMING RIVER!" Isabela yelled as she grew a vine for her to swing on. I turned around and saw her door burn out.


"AHH! Ow.. RIVER, GET THE CANDLE!" Isabela fell on the ground, luckily Casita catched her with some planks, so her landing wasn't that hard.

"I'M TRYING!" Then I saw Camilo running on the balcony towards me. Why would he do that? He'll only hurt himself. His gift won't last long as well. I looked at the Encanto. A visible rock in the mist tore in half. I also saw Bruno with a bucket on outside.


"WE GOTTA GET OUT OF HERE!" Julieta yelled.

"COME BACK RIVER!" Mirabel yelled. But my only concern right now was for the candle, and for Camilo.

Camilo dodged falling objects while running, thanks to his shape-shifting ability. He jumped as someone tall so he would make it, but then his gift faded away as well and he changed back to himself.

He's gonna fall, he's gonna fall, he's gonna fall.. Do something! Fast! You can do this! DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO!

I told myself. A really weird feeling flashed through my body. Like an electric shock. I knew what I gotta do. I jumped as high as I never thought I could, it was high enough for me to get the candle. And as fast as the speed of light I went to catch Camilo's hand. Why was everything so slowed at that moment?

As soon as I catched him, I closed my eyes. Why though? I opened them again. We were now on the floor. Everyone disappeared except for me and Camilo. The house started falling, and Casita brought some objects to protect us. I was holding the candle and everything fell on us. Casita is a life saver.


I opened my eyes. I felt so much pain right now, but I ignored it. I saw.. The candle burned out, Camilo hugging me, the whole house in ruins and the whole family concerned about each other. Dolores was helping Abuela, some townspeople were looking around, Felix was checking if everyone was okay.

"River! You're such an idiot! You're lucky we survived." Camilo said next to me. I looked at him. He had dust all over him. I think I did as well.


"You should've let me fall! Or even better, you shouldn't have gone for the candle!"

"What is.. happening?"

"What do you mean? The house fell! Stop playing with me River!"

"What house? Who are you?"



"Let me take her." Hugo came towards us and started picking me up.

"Woah, who are you?! Stop!" The boy stood up.

"Let. Me. Take her. I know what to do."

"River! Do you know him?" He looked at me, as I was already in Hugo's arms.

"Ah.. yes. That's my.." I passed out.

Narrator's p.o.v.:

"LET ME COME WITH YOU!" Camilo yelled.

"I'm sorry, it's personal."


"Calm down, everything's fine. I'll bring her back." And Hugo disappeared behind a piece of the house where no one saw him so he could teleport.

"MIRABEL!" Camilo called Mirabel.

"I'm here! Where- Where is she?.."

"Some guy with black hair took her. Do you know him?!"

"What? No-"

"See! This is your fault. You involved her into this! This wouldn't have happened if you didn't involve her into the situation."

"Wait, what..?"

"Camilo! Act like a gentleman!" Felix came and rebuked Camilo.

"This isn't the time papa, someone took River and it's Mirabel's fault!"

"Take it easy Camilo! It's no one's fault! Stop!"

While Camilo and his father were arguing, Mirabel left. Where though?..

10 minutes later..

"Everyone okay?!" I came back to the place where Casita once stood. Everyone turned around to look at me.

"RIVER!" Camilo yelled and ran to me. He hugged me afterwards.

"Woah, Camilo are you feeling okay?"

"What do you mean?! You literally didn't remember anything and then someone took you!"

"What? I mean- yeah that was my.."


"My friend! Calm down Camilo! You're overreacting!"

"So what if I am?! Do you know how much I was scared?! You're an idiot River! Why would you go and save the candle, there was no chance it would survive anyway!"

"At least I tried, okay?!"

"TRIED TO KILL YOURSELF!" He yelled at me.

"CAMILO STOP!" Pepa took him by his arm.



"Tía, what's wrong?!" I asked worryingly. Why is he acting like this?

"He's overreacting! He could've hurt you!"

"Hurt me?! He's sweet, why would he hurt me?! Why is it happening to him anyways?!"

"I don't know know either. Go rather help the others find Mirabel! She left." Pepa said, as she was still holding down Camilo.

"She what?.."

𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗠𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹... (ᴀ ᴄᴀᴍɪʟᴏ x ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ sᴛᴏʀʏ)Where stories live. Discover now