𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 - 𝐀 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲.. 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠?

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"La Familia Madrigal!"

The Madrigal family took a photo together. They are all happy now! I'm proud of them, mostly Mirabel. She put the doorknob in, and all the magic came back into the village. Now we're celebrating! And also, Julieta healed my broken arm as soon as she got her gift back.

"Hey River, I just wanna thank you and Mirabel again for helping me find myself!" Isabela came up to me and hugged me. I hugged her up.

"Oh, yeah, no problem!" I said.

"Yeah, I need to thank you again too. Without you, I wouldn't bring the piano to the dinner." Luisa also came.

"Thanks for giving me the courage on my gift ceremony!" Antonio added.

"Thank you for looking out on Mirabel, River." Tía Julieta said. They all gathered around me.

"Guys, no need to thank me! Really, you should thank Mirabel."

"I think it would be fair if they thanked both of us, huh?" Mirabel said and put her arm around me.

"Yeah, you're right."

"River, can we talk?' Camilo said.

"I- uh.. sure?"

"Oooooh shall we give you privacy?~" Mirabel said and smirked at me.

"What? Hey, stop!"

"Hahaha, just kidding. But really, we'll leave you alone." She said and they all walked away. Camilo grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs.

"H-hey, is that necessary? I'm not a cloth!" I said. I'm not always feeling comfortable when people dragging me. But his hand was warm.. Wait, what?

We were now on the balcony. Camilo let my hand go and looked at me, straight in the eyes.

"Uhh.. Did I do something.. wrong?.."

"Look, let's keep calm while talking, okay? I don't want to hurt you."

"Uhm.. sure.."

"Now.. why were you avoiding me?"

"What? Oh wait, I get it. You really wanna talk about this now?"


"Alright.. I came here a week ago, which means you only know me for a week. But what I don't understand, is how everyone treats me here. Abuela made us an arranged marriage, Isabela liked me more than her sister, and you're being too overprotective. Why?"

"I didn't expect that, but okay.. I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Remember when I asked for your name in the hallway?"

"Yeah, sadly." I said annoyed.

"Well, I think Abuela saw us, and five days ago, she talked to me about the arranged marriage. I think she thought I was secretly meeting with you for a long time, and maybe even dating you. She's too much obsessed with the family growing. So yeah, arranged marriage in five years.."

"Ohh.. Of course it's your fault."

"That wasn't nice!"

"Who says I am?"

"Your personality?"

"My personality changes like the April weather, if you still didn't know."

"Interesting.." He said and moved closer to me.

"You're doing the same thing that you did in the hallway, and then you're wondering why I'm avoiding you."

"Too bad.." He said. I remembered the situation last time. He said the same thing. I panicked.

"M-maybe you could back away?.."


"Because I said so." I said and slightly pushed him back.

"Hey, I was having fun!"

"We were talking about something, weren't we?"


"Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course I can."

"Alright, I'll believe you. Hugo, you can come." I said and Hugo teleported behind Camilo.

"Who's Hugo?"

"Turn around." I said, and he did.


"Calm down! You said you wanted to keep calm yourself, didn't you?"

"Yes I did. But he's the one that took you!"

"Can't I take my own girlfriend?" Hugo said.

"Girlfriend?! You two are dating?!"

"Yes, you got a problem?"

"I- No.. of course not! Maybe.." He mumbled the last word, but I heard it.

"Aww, you're jealous?~"

"So what if I am?"

"Because Hugo's joking."

"Oh-" We both laughed. Camilo's face turned red a bit.

"Then I think it won't be a problem if I take her. Bye!" He said and grabbed my hand again. We rushed downstairs.

"So you're really jelly, even if I'm not dating him?" I said, when we were downstairs again. There were lots of people here.

"I'll let you figure that out by yourself."

"Helloooo~ Having fun?" Mirabel came.

"I know your little devilish plan. Stop it." I said.

"Meh." She only answered.

This scene is inspired by my friend's awesome idea. Check out her Instagram! @nikeyfurry

We were talking for a few minutes, and then I noticed the music changed. I saw everyone getting into pairs, and I also saw Agustín and tía Julieta dancing together. Mirabel also noticed.

"I wish I could dance like those two." She said.

"Yeah, same.. I never danced before though."

"I was always dancing with my papi when I was little."

"That's cute!"

"Want to dance?" I looked up and saw Camilo standing in front of me, holding his hand out. I could only feel Mirabel's devilish smile.

"I- uhh- Actually, I was just telling Mirabel that I don't know how to dance-"

"-Yes she will!" Mirabel interrupted me, and shoved me into Camilo's arms.

"I swear I'll kill you when I have the time, Mirabel!" I said. I stood up straight. I saw Dolores with Mariano who was playing the guitar.

"I already said, I can't dance! Like, at all!"

"I can teach you." He said, and put his hand on my back. I looked up at him. I regret doing that. My face got all hot. It was red as a tomato for sure.

"Put your hand here. That's all." He said, grabbed my hand and placed it on his shoulder. We started swaying to the rythm. I smiled at him, and he did as well.


"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I told you, I can't do this!" I said and pulled away. I stepped on his foot.

"No, wait!" He said and grabbed my hand. He spun me around and catched me in his arms. He smiled at me, and my eyes widened. My face was red, but I didn't care right now and I smiled as well.

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