𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 - 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬?!

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Everyone stared at me when I walked in. I looked at everyone horrifyingly. All of their faces were either sad, or mad. I started crying again and ran upstairs.

"River!" I heard Mirabel call before I shut the door from the nursery and locked it. I slumped to the ground and leaned against the door, crying. I heard Mirabel's voice. "River, please, let me in."

"Leave me alone.."

"But it's my room, let me in!"

"Please Mirabel!"

"Alright then, if it makes you feel better.." I then heard her walk away.

10 minutes later, 8 p.m.

I finally stopped crying. None of this could've happen. If only I wasn't dumb.. This is the time when an imaginary friend comes in handy. But no, instead he left! I don't know if I'm mad or sad. Both, I guess.

"I wanna go home.. I wanna forget about everything.. Why me?!-" I mumbled to myself, and shouted the last two words when suddenly, Julia appeared in the room.

"You disappointed me.." She said furiously.

"Look, I'm sorry. Can you please just leave and pretend like we never met?.. I don't wanna deal with you anymore." I said and stood up.

"You really think it's that easy? Like I'm gonna leave, just like that?" She said.

"Actually, yes. Wouldn't it be boring to fight again?"

"For you, maybe. For me, no. Look at yourself! You disappointed Hugo. The family's angry at you. You hurt Camilo AND Hugo. Now he's gone, because he's angry at you. You failed, River. You're dangerous, the dark magic has control over you. Why don't you just go home? There's nothing left for you here. You lost everything."

Home.. I do wanna go home.. Because where I was didn't feel like home. She's right. I failed. Wait, how does she know Camilo's name..? "Take me home, then." I said with sadness in my voice.

"That's not gonna be that easy. Find Hugo, he can get you home. Bye-bye, for now!" She said and disappeared. I wanted to cry again.

"River~ I have ice cream! Maybe it'll cure your sadness!" Mirabel said behind the door.

"No thanks.." I said, and everything got black, again.. "What now?!" I grunted.


"River, we gotta talk." Sarah appeared.

"Am I in my mind again?"

"Yes, now listen. Where you were, wasn't really Earth!"

"Yeah, I noticed.."

"And now, you're not in Encanto! The fight.. Everything was made up."

"So I didn't actually fight..?"

"You did. But it was worse. Julia used her dark magic to make you seem like everything's fine. Only Hugo was real, that's why he left. He left back to reality."

"How do I know you're real?"

"Julia doesn't know about me. You gotta get back to the real Encanto!"

"So.. Everyone's actions during the fight were real but it still wasn't real..?"

"The song was supposed to wake you up to the real world. I told Camilo to confess his feelings, but it didn't work. The only thing that was real was the song, everything was fake. You managed to hear it, but somehow didn't end up waking. They think you're asleep right now, and you'll probably wake up still tied up." What she said made me blush a bit, but it faded soon after.

"What did I.. actually do?.."

"Burned down a few houses, destroyed Isabela's crop farm, hurt some of the family members and that's all I think. But don't worry, Luisa has everything under control, they're gonna start fixing the next morning."

I stood there frozen, looking at her in terror. The fact that I only hurt Camilo a little bit, but actually might've almost killed him scared me. A bright light appeared, making me close my eyes..


I heard a lot of people complaining outside. I also heard someone talking about me.

"They want to see River after what she did. What do we do?"

"She destroyed almost everything. What's wrong with her?"

"Will she ever wake up?.."

"I can't believe you, River." This sentence made me wake up. I was tied to a chair in the kitchen. I saw Camilo sitting in front of me with a bandage on his head. I started breathing heavily, looking around the room.

"She woke up!"

"River, calm down.."

"She's having a panic attack..!"

I also saw two devasted mothers. Their children were hurt and tía Julieta couldn't do anything about it, which I don't understand why. Mirabel had a bandage on her arm, Isa sat on a chair and cooled some spot on her head. Every 10 seconds she removed it, revealing a scar right next to her eye. Luisa had a nosebleed, I assumed, because she had a bandage on her nose. I closed my eyes and started crying.

"Camilo, do something!" Isa said.

"Why always me?! What should I do?! Huh?!" He answered.

"I don't know, you're good at it!"

"I'm good with children, not her!"

"What do you mean?! You're good with everyone! You comforted me every time I was sad when we were younger!" Mirabel stated.

"When we were younger, we were children."

"Can you stop complaining?! Just kiss her already!" Isa said.

"Kiss her?! No way I'm doing that after what she's done!"

"I'm sorry.." I said silently while sobbing. That made Camilo realize what he said.

"Wait, wait, wait, no! You don't have to be sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean that-"

"I'm a monster.."

"No you're not, you weren't controlling yourself, so it's fine!"

"It's not fine!" I shouted and looked at him. "See?! I'm even gonna have anger issues now! Thanks to this stupid Julia! No, thanks to me. I chose to join her! Only because I wanted to go back. But still, she confused my reality!"

"Say what now?.."

"I thought I didn't hurt you, because this whole time what I saw was a small fight. I don't even remember turning this place into a disaster..!"

"Look, everything's fine now. Tomorrow, we're gonna start fixing, Isabela can grow her plants on the crop farm back and Hugo will help you with the dark magic. But there's one problem which why we can't start the fixing, really.." Luisa said.


"You're gonna have to leave the Encanto.."

𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗠𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹... (ᴀ ᴄᴀᴍɪʟᴏ x ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ sᴛᴏʀʏ)Where stories live. Discover now