𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚎𝚗 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧

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"Nuh-uh Camilo! You're wrong! I'm not going back when I finally made it to the top. There must be a way to get to the other side.." Mirabel said. To be honest, she's right. It's our duty to save the miracle, we can't back out now!

"What if we take the rope from the rest of the bridge that was here, and hang it on that big stalagmite so we can swing on the rope to get to the other side?-" I suggested.

"Great idea River!" Camilo said and grabbed the rope. He then threw it so it would land on the tip of the stalagmite, and it did. He tried if it was safe, before doing anything.

"So, ladies first or should I go first?" He asked.

"What, you scared?" Mirabel said teasingly, but I could see that she would rather know if it was safe before going herself.

"No, just asking-"

"-Then ladies first!" I said and ran to the rope. I swayed on it really fast like a Tarzan, and landed on the other side.

"Woohoo! This is awesome!" I was quite excited, since this was my first adventure, and I never swayed on a rope to get to the other side of something before.

"Quite the adventurous type huh?" Camilo said quietly, so that only he could hear it and also swayed on the rope, landing on the other side.

"You coming Mirabel?" I yelled so she could hear me properly.

"Of course!" She yelled back and did the same. Camilo and I turned around since we were facing Mirabel and started walking into the cave.

There was a huge safe-like door in a round shape. Mirabel opened it and we all looked inside. There was sand everywhere! We stepped inside, and looked around a bit. I went to the middle, and I saw something green glowing in the ground. It was covered in sand. I squatted and started digging for it, while Mirabel came up to me and started digging for another piece.

"Uhh.. Camilo? You might wanna take a look at this.." Mirabel called Camilo, and I examined the thing I was holding in my hands.

"Those are glass shards.. but why are they glowing green?" I said, and gave my piece to Mirabel, who was holding another piece.

"Wait, I think it fits together. Like a puzzle.." She said and put the pieces together. It showed something!

"I think it's Bruno's prophecy that none found.. Luisa was talking about it!" Mirabel added.

"Uh.. girls?.."

"Not now Camilo!" Mirabel cut him off.

"There's sand falling from the ceiling, we gotta get out as soon as possible before we drown in here!"

"What?.. Then we gotta get all the prophecy pieces, fast!" I said worryingly and started digging for another piece. Camilo and Mirabel did the same.

"I got the last one, let's go!" Mirabel said and ran to the door, Camilo behind her. I ran behind them but then I fell on the ground.

"Ow! Something's wrong with my foot- ow!"

"River! Stay still, I'll get you out!" Camilo said and ran back to me.

"No, get out now! The sand's gonna fall fast!"

"The door's open, grab River, Camilo!" Mirabel announced.

Camilo grabbed me and carried me in a bride-like style, just like at the lake. He ran with me to the door, sand was already everywhere. We were all coughing, and the sand was already basically pushing us out of the cave. Mirabel fell, Camilo and I fell aswell, and we all landed outside. The whole cave was filled with sand.

"Everyone- okay?-" Camilo asked, while desperately trying to find me. I was already sitting, looking at my ankle.

"I'm okay, but my ankle's not.." I said, trying to hide the pain in my voice.

"River! We'll get you to tía Julieta, wait a little more till we get there." Camilo said.

"WAAHH-" Mirabel yelled. I looked at her and she was at the edge. She almost fell down that pit!

Mirabel stood up, and looked at us. She suddenly frowned. Why was everyone so worried about me? Oh right, I'm still not used to how all the people here are extremely kind.

"I'm so sorry River! I didn't mean to hurt you, this wasn't supposed to happen! I should've never brought you with me, you and Camilo should've stayed at the lake.."

"Oh, Mirabel! This isn't your fault. We couldn't see that coming. Besides, I had fun!" I answered Mirabel happily, I hate seeing her hurt, physically and psychically. Then that must mean she hates seeing me like that too..

"Let's go now, or the sprained ankle will hurt more and more." Camilo said, and picked me up. Mirabel grabbed all the shards that had fell out of her bag and put it back inside.

Back in Casita, kitchen..

Camilo placed me on a chair, and went to get tía Julieta. Mirabel stood there next to me, and watched my foot, like if it was a treasure she was assigned to watch.

"Oh, River! What happened?" Tía Julieta came in the kitchen and started to look for her food. She always had stocks for emergencies.

"Uhh.. We were playing tag and I.. fell?.." I was hoping this lie was enough. I couldn't just tell her 'Oh, we just went to Bruno's tower, found a vision, wrecked his cave and on the run I sprained my ankle!'.

"Oh, then you better be careful next time, River." Julieta said and gave me an arepa, my favourite!

"I think I'm gonna purposely hurt myself so I can get free amazing food from tía Julieta as well." Camilo jokingly said, and watched me enjoying my arepa.

I broke the arepa in two halves and gave him one with a smile. I like to share! Well, not always. I don't share with my brother haha-

"Oh, no you don't have to-" Camilo said, but because my mouth was full, I just grabbed one of his hands, and placed the arepa there. I looked back at him with a serious look.

"O-oh, okay I'll take it! Thanks.." He said, and I smiled. He's so kind!

𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗠𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹... (ᴀ ᴄᴀᴍɪʟᴏ x ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ sᴛᴏʀʏ)Where stories live. Discover now