𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎 - 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐨'𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫

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(Just so you know, River asked Hugo to remove her memories of watching the movie, so she could enjoy the experience while in the universe. So now she's clueless. Enjoy!)

10 a.m.

Mirabel saved me from my nervousness. It's not like I'm nervous around Camilo, It's cause I'm part extrovert and part introvert, and nervousness comes with my introvert part.

"Dolores told me yesterday, that she heard Luisa's eye twitching all night, and I got Luisa to tell me that she felt weak when we saw the cracks!" Mirabel said.

"Then something is hurting the miracle!" I replied.

"You're right! And also, Luisa suggested we go to tío Bruno's tower. You coming with me?" Introvert part of me hid, and extrovert part made me say:

"Of course! Sounds exciting- I mean, we need to save the miracle, for the sike of your family!" I got too excited.

"A trip to tío Bruno's room? Count me in!" I turned my head to see Camilo standing beside us, all excited. He wasn't supposed the hear this..

"No Camilo, it's dangerous!" Mirabel replied annoyingly. She was a bit excited before, but now she's not..

"Then why are you two going if it's dangerous?"

"Obviously, cause we saw the cracks with our own eyes! We need to save the Miracle, and two is more then enough. If something happens to one of us, the other can go call for help. The third person might not be able to."

"You're two girls, I'm a boy and I can shapeshift! I'm gonna be useful if something happens. Just let me come help you!"

"Okay, okay! Enough fighting you two, Camilo's coming with us. Who knows how much time we have, and you're just here, arguing!" I stepped between their fight.

"Fine, not my fault if something happens!" Mirabel said.

"You two have an issue with each other, or what?.." I asked them, kinda confused why Mirabel is so angry. We started walking towards the town and the Casita.

"I would tell you, but not while he's here!" Mirabel said.

"You're the one having a problem with me, I don't have a problem with you!"

"Stop you two, will ya?! We have a serious issue here!" I started getting annoyed with these two. They're like baby siblings and I'm the mother.

10 minutes later..

We're standing in front of Bruno's door. I wonder how it got in the corner? But anyways, it wasn't glowing like the other doors. Bruno must've stopped using his magic since he disappeared. I wonder how his room looks like?

"Who's opening it?" I asked.

"I'll do the honor." Camilo answered. He walked up to the door and opened it.

"Ladies first!" He bowed while holding the door opened.

"Such a gentleman!" I laughed at his behavior. I walked in and turned around.

"No, not you." Camilo said, and went inside before Mirabel could. I laughed so hard at the scene.

"Ugh, such a NOT gentleman!" Mirabel rolled her eyes, and went in. We stood next to each other and stared at what we saw.

A waterfall out of sand?..

Who knows what's behind it. A pit we could fall into? Or a quick sand? I'm not going first.

"Okay, let's go!" Mirabel said and started walking to the falling sand.

"Wait, who knows what you could fall-!" I said, but it was kinda late.. Mirabel started falling down and we couldn't see her anymore.

"-into?! Mirabel!" I ran towards the sand, and slid down a hill made of sand.. At least I didn't roll down like Mirabel did. Camilo slid like me, but fell at the end next to Mirabel.

"Huh, I guess I'm the only athletic here?" I laughed at both of them, stood up and dusted off all the sand from my clothes. They looked at each other and started laughing as well.

"Okay- okay- I think you should look up.." I said while the two were standing up and still laughing. There were stairs.. LOTS of stairs..

"Let's see who's gonna be athletic now, see you at the top!" Camilo said, and ran off to the stairs. He was really competitive!

"Oh no you don't!" I said, and I ran to catch up with Camilo.

"Ughhh, how can you run up so many stairs?!?" Mirabel yelled at us, kinda annoyed that she needed to walk up those stairs, and confused how we were able to run them up. To be honest, we kinda have a lot of stairs at school on Earth, so I'm trained.

A while later..

"YES I WON!-" I yelled happily but then I saw Camilo at the top already waiting. I fell on the floor, exhausted and disappointed that I didn't really win.

"Woah, you okay?" Camilo said and walked up to me. I opened my eyes and saw Camilo watching me if I'm alright.

"The fact that you're concerned about me creeps me out."

"You're saying that like if it was a sin." He said and then he smirked at me. He held out his hand to me so I would get up.

I got up and turned around, trying to find where Mirabel was. I saw her at the end of the stairs, exhausted. She sang her song 'Family Madrigal', I found that funny.

"I hate you both!" She said.

"I already know~" Camilo replied.

"Sorry Mirabel.." I said. "But maybe if you weren't singing, you would have more energy."

"Oh, thanks for the advice, I'll surely use it since I'm already here!" She said sarcastically.

"Well, you can start walking back down.." Camilo said.

We both turned around and saw a big cave, but there was a problem. A large pit separated us from the cave. What now?

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