𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬

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Isabela grew a cactus, which I found interesting so I came closer. Me and Isabela were surprised but Mirabel ignored it.

"I just made something unexpected.. Something sharp, something new.." Isa started singing.

"It's not symmetrical or perfect but it's beautiful. And it's mine! What else can I do?"

"Bring it in, bring it in. Good talk! Bring it in, bring it in." Mirabel started singing as she followed her sister.

"I grow rows and rows of roses. Flor de Mayo, by the mile. I make perfect practiced poses, so much hides behind my smile." She started copying her flower made statues, and she destroyed one. It's head fell into Mirabel's arms, and she freaked out.

"Do you know where you're going?" I asked her as I followed her aswell.

"What could I do if I just knew it didn't need to be perfect, it just needed to be! And they'll let me be!"

"A hurricane of Jacarandas, strangling figs,"

"Big!" I said.

"hanging vines."

"This is fine!" Mirabel yelled.

"Palma de Cera fills the air as I climb and I push through! What else can I do?" I was standing next to Isabela on a huge palm tree she grew. Mirabel was climbing the strain.

"Careful it's carnivorous, a little just won't do." Isabela said as she helped Mirabel up.

"I wanna feel the shiver of something new! I'm so sick of pretty, I want something true, don't you?" She looked at me, and then at Mirabel.

"Just sing like your life's been a dream since the moment you opened your eyes." Mirabel sang.

"How far do these roots go down?" Isabela asked.

"All I know are the blossoms you grow.."

"..but it's awesome to see how you rise!" I added to Mirabel.

"How far can I rise?" Isabela sang.

"Through the roof, to the skies, let's go!" We all sang, and now we were on the roof.

"A hurricane of Jacarandas!"


"Strangling figs,"


"hanging vines."


"Palma de Cera fills the air as I climb and I push through!"

"What else, what else?"

"What can you do when you are deeply, madly, truly in the moment?"

"Seize the moment, keep going!"

"What can you do when you know who you wanna be isn't perfect, but I'll still be okay!"

"Hey, everybody clear the way!" I sang, Isabela grew a lot of exotic plants on the roof, and we were playing with colored dust from the plants. It dyed Isabela's dress.

"Changing minds."

"You changed mine!" Mirabel said.

"The way is clearer cause you're here and well I owe this all to you!" We were now standing on some vines in front of the candle, Isa hugged us both.

"What else can I do?"

"There's nothing you can't do!" I sang with Mirabel.

"What else can I dooooo?!"

We fell into a pile of flowers, inside Casita. We all laughed. Isabela finally understood that she doesn't need to be perfect, and Mirabel made up with her!

"You two are bad influences." Isabela said.

"WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Abuela yelled at us. We all sat up. I saw the look on Isabela's face. She was terrified.

"Abuela! It's okay, everything's- we're gonna save the miracle! The magic!"

"What are you talking about?! Look at our home! Look at your sister!"

"Please just- Isabela wasn't happy!"

"Of course she isn't happy, you ruined her proposal! Not you River."

"She needed me to-"

"Mirabel, may I speak?" I interrupted Mirabel.

"Oh, sure.."

"I'm wondering till this day, why everyone acts like I'm a goddess or something. Why señora?"

"This is not the time River-"

"-no. Tell me."

"River you'll find out eventually."

"I want answers NOW!"


I realized that I just yelled at her. Now I know why everyone fears her. Except for Mirabel.. I backed out, and froze in place.

"That's enough Abuela! You're hurting us way too much!" Mirabel said. Isabela just went to stand next to Luisa. Others came to watch the situation. No one was brave enough to stand up for Mirabel.

"I never hurt you nor our family!"

"Yes you did! We are supposed to be perfect. But it's impossible to be! Let us be how we want to be! That's why we did all of this, that's why I'm in the vision! I'm saving the miracle from you-"

"YOU HAVE TO STOP MIRABEL! The cracks started with you! Bruno left because of you! Luisa's loosing her powers, Isabela's out of control, because of you! I don't know why you weren't given a gift, but it is not an excuse, for you, to hurt this family!" The house started cracking more. I realized why.

The house depends on Mirabel's acting.. When she's sad, mad, disappointed or even terrified. The house feels the same and starts cracking.. I saw the look on Mirabel's face. She was sad. Her abuela is too harsh on her..

"I will never.. be good enough, for you. Will I?.." Mirabel's parents came closer.

"No matter how hard I try.." She said, and then she looked at her sisters.

"No matter how ANY of us tries.. Luisa will never be strong enough. Isabela won't be perfect enough. Bruno left our family because you only saw the worst in him!"

"Mirabel-" I said worryingly, the house started cracking more and more. I went to hold Mirabel's hand. (Not a ship)

"Bruno didn't CARE about this family!"

"He LOVES this family, I LOVE this family, we all love this family! You're the one that doesn't care!" The floor started cracking. Tears came into my eyes as I watched everyone, just standing there. I saw Camilo, he was sitting on the cold floor, holding his knees to his head. He looked terrified..

"You're the one breaking out home!"


"The miracle is dying, because of YOU!" Mirabel added before letting her abuela speak.

All of our eyes widened, we were in shock. Mirabel was relieved that she let out what she wanted to say to her all those years, abuela was shocked and we all only watched the terrible situation. Suddenly, a huge crack in the floor appeared between abuela and Mirabel..

The house was gonna fall..

𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗠𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹... (ᴀ ᴄᴀᴍɪʟᴏ x ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ sᴛᴏʀʏ)Where stories live. Discover now