𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚡 - 𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐬' 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲

74 3 1

3 p.m.

"Bye, good luck!" I said as Dolores just made a favor to another villager. This time, they wanted to know if the weather, that's not controlled by Pepa of course, is gonna be good today. They wanted to go fishing and hope only for the best, so I wished him good luck.

"Let's take a break here. We can talk a bit if you want." Dolores said as we made our way to a fountain. I wonder if it makes wishes come true just like in any other fairytale? Nah.

"Yeah, sure." I said and we sat down on the edge of the fountain. "Tell me how you got your gift!"

"Well, it wasn't the best.. But sure, I can tell you. When I was five, I got my gift of course. I walked up the stairs, Abuela told me a few things before giving me the candle so I could touch it, and then I touched the doorknob. My mom was crying, with a small rain cloud above her head. Since I was her first child to get my gift, she was crying happy tears. At Camilo's ceremony, she brought a cloth handkerchief to stop the tears somehow, and at Antonio's she didn't even need it."

"Wow, you take these things seriously.."

"Of course we do, what did you think?"

"I didn't mean it like that!- It just fascinates me how you make these big gift ceremonies. I would wanna try that too with my family."

"Oh well. So just to continue, after I touched the doorknob, I wasn't quite ready for the loudness. I covered my ears immediately, everything was so loud that it gave me a headache for the next three days. Sometime even today I fight with the loudness, it's just horrible, y'know?.."

"I'm so sorry for you.." I said, looking at the ground with a frown.

"Well I'm getting used to it.. And after I got my room, the only thing I did was be inside. I couldn't go out of my room not even for a second. My ma had to bring me things I needed like food and drinks. I never attended a family lunch or dinner, until I was 10."

"Why though?"

"My room is kinda soundproof. I can still hear things, but not as loud as when I'm outside. And when I have the energy, I can even choose what I want to hear specifically. Which is what I do for the villagers."

"Wow, life of Madrigal isn't always a dream as everyone thought.."


"Well, what now?" I asked, since no one seemed to need anything from Dolores.

"I don't know. We could go see what everyone is doing..?" Dolores said.

"Sure, let's go!" I said and we started walking through the village.

As we were walking, I saw Isabela with kids. The kids told her something and she grew 3 cactuses for each kid. They said goodbye and she saw us.

"Look, it's Isa." I said.

"Oh. My favourite cousin!"

"You're picking favourites now?" I said and chuckled a bit, as Isa walked towards us.

"Hola you two, what are you up to?" She said.

"Nothing much, none of the villagers seem to need help from Dolores so we went to see what some of you are doing."

"Well, I'm done with my chores I guess. Should we go have a meal?"

"Sounds great, I'm starving actually." Dolores said, and we started walking towards Casita where tía Julieta would be cause we didn't see her around the village.

Time skip, 4 p.m. - The Casita

We found tía Julieta at the kitchen. She was cooking something already.

"Ooh, what's that?" I asked and came closer.

"Oh, hi girls. I didn't notice you three! And this is arroz con pollo, it's rice and chicken stewed together."

"That sounds and smells great! Can I have one?"

"That's for dinner, but you can take some apples for snack if you want." She said and gestured behind her where was a box full of fresh apples. I guess Agustín collected them. We all took one, and sat down.

"So, who do you have the best relationship with?" I asked the girls and took a bite from my apple. I had a green one and Dolores with Isa had a red one.

"Of course mi prima Dolores is my bestie forevah'!" Isa said and put her arm around Dolores' neck. She smiled.

"And I have the best relationship with Isa, but I also have a big, brother and sister relationship with Camilo." Dolores said.

"That's cute, I wish I could have a good relationship with my brother.." I said.

"Speaking of your brother, I haven't seen him since yesterday?" Isa said.

"Oh, he went back home-"

"So you live alone now?"

"I'm living with Hugo"

"But you spend most of your time here, you could live with us maybe..?" Dolores said.

"Your Abuela wouldn't allow it."

"We can ask."

"Okay then."

After we finished eating our apples, Agustín rushed in the kitchen. His hands and nose were swollen again.

"Agustín, bees again? You have to be careful amor.." Julieta said as she grabbed an arepa. It must be a very popular meal in this house. "Eat this."

"Gracías querida." Agustín thanked her, and took a bite from the arepa. He sat down as his swollen parts became normal again.

"What're you girls doing here?"

"Oh nothing, just talking." I said.

"I've spoken to Camilo on the way here, he wanted me to tell you, Dolores, that he's gonna need to talk to you later."

"Oh, again..?" Dolores said.


"Didn't you hear them talking?" Isa asked.

"I was focusing on speaking with you two, I guess I must've overheard."

"How's that possible?" I asked.

"I don't know. Sometimes I don't hear everything."

"That's weird.."

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