𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚒𝚟𝚎 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐭. 2

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(Before I start the chapter, I just wanna say that I would like if you wrote me comments so I can know what you think about my story, or even use your idea for the story! Thanks, onto the story!)

Antonio's room was huge. I loved it. It reminded me of the lake i was at with Mirabel. It was just like the wilderness, which I absolutely love! Everyone was dancing, enjoying the ceremony inside Antonio's new room. I'm happy for him

7 p.m.

Abuela wanted to take a picture with the members of her family. Everyone was in it. Wait no.. Everyone except Mirabel...

I ran to Mirabel as fast as I could and hugged her from behind. She stood there frozen..

"I'm so sorry Mirabel.. I-"

I couldn't find the right words...

"You're still a part of the family Madrigal, you shouldn't hesitate and you should've gone for the picture as well! They want you in the picture for sure.."

"No they don't.. If they would then they would've called me before they captured the picture..."

I turned her around so she would face me, and I put both of my hands on her shoulders

"Picture or no picture, you're STILL a part of the family Madrigal. And that's just the truth."

"Thanks, but.. I think I need some time alone.."

"Take your time, Mirabel."

I smiled at her and then she went outside the room to the nursery

I went outside the room as well, not that I would be sad or anything, but I also needed some time alone, it was too crowded there

I went on the balcony, looking at the night sky. It was beautiful!

(It's not the whole sky, but I couldn't find a different image)

"It's beautiful tonight, isn't it?" I heard someone say behind me

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"It's beautiful tonight, isn't it?" I heard someone say behind me

I turned around and gasped with surprise


"Oh, so I'm that popular huh?" He smirked looking at the roof

"What are you doing here?" I asked him annoyingly, what he did while welcoming guests made me uncomfortable

"Come on, what did I do wrong?"

"I'm not telling you"

"Tell meee!"


"Okay, I'm sorry I looked at you like that while welcoming the guests.." He looked at the sky infront of us

"Aren't you a mind reader?" I looked at him, confused that he already knew what he did

"You caught me, princesa" he looked at me and smirked

"You're doing it again!" I harrumphed at him

"So what? Are you gonna stop me?" he moved closer to me and my face. I was shocked

I stepped back to get more space, but he got closer again

"Where are you going?"

"Y-you're moving closer to me, give me some space!"

"Too bad.."

He got me cornered..
My back was leaning on the wall and he was close to my face with both of his hands on the wall beside me. He basically pinned me

He stared at me with a competitive glare, and I stared at him in shock, frozen.. until I finally snapped..

"Get away from me you freak!"

"Why though?"

I was silent. But then I got an idea..
I crouched so I would be below both of his hands and then I ran from him. While running I heard him say..

"See you later then, mystery girl.."

I immediately went to find Mirabel, I hate her cousin! He hasn't got any manners. It makes me uncomfortable

"Mirabel, there you are!.. Oh my god, what happened to your hand?"

I saw a bruise on her hand while she was examining a broken roof tile on the floor

Cracks started to form on the walls of Casita, everywhere...

"Come with me!" Mirabel said and then she grabbed my wrist and dragged me up the stairs

"There!" I pointed in the direction where the miracle candle was

"The cracks are getting to the candle! Something is wrong with the miracle.." Mirabel said while looking terrified at the candle.

She's caring about the health of her family even though they don't appreciate her that much. She's such a good person!

Mirabel ran in Antonio's room to get Abuela and I waited in the main hall watching the cracks

Suddenly, the cracks started to disappear.. What should I do? Mirabel will be disappointed and Abuela won't believe her now...

"There! The cracks, see? I told-" Mirabel said coming out of Antonio's room with her Abuela before turning around

"-you.. I swear there were cracks, everywhere! And the candle almost went out.. River saw it all with me, right River?.." Mirabel continued

"Yeah.. the cracks were here.. but they just disappeared after you went to get Abue-"

"Enough! Stop talking nonsense Mirabel! There are no cracks and there will never be. The magic is strong! And- and you!- whatever you're doing to my granddaughter's mind that's making her see things, stop doing it! Get out of my house!" Abuela said with anger in her tone

"You have no right to speak with my sister like that! You should be more careful with your temper.." My brother said walking out of the crowd and down the stairs. He grabbed my hand and before we walked out of the house I gave Mirabel a sad glare

Even tho Antonio got his gift, at the end of the ceremony it was still a disaster.. and I promised Mirabel it would be fine. What a horrible friend am I?..

We went inside our house and Matthew locked the door behind him

"I swear that old woman is the worst! I don't think I wanna see her in the movie!" He said

"Don't say that. She's a good person, really! She just needs to learn to control her temper, just like you said."

Even tho Abuela really did hurt me, I didn't want anyone to think bad things about her. It just comes with my personality, I guess?..

8 p.m.

If a mind reader would want to read my mind right now, they would find a black hole full of nothing. I didn't know what to think of the situation that happened at the ceremony..

I went to bed earlier than normally so I could empty my mind, but I couldn't fall asleep anyway, so I'm just lying on the bed, watching the ceiling. I wanted to talk to Hugo right now...

"Who said you couldn't?.."

𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗠𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹... (ᴀ ᴄᴀᴍɪʟᴏ x ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ sᴛᴏʀʏ)Where stories live. Discover now