Cuddly Surprise🍼

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Little: Jisung

Caregivers: ChangLix

Idea by: PinkCloudsInMyHead

Stray Kids were no strangers to the concept of age regression. Changbin and Seungmin had both opened up to their friends about their headspaces to make it easier for them to slip around the dorm without having to hide. Having a few other people looking out for them also helped a lot to make sure they didn't have to go for too long without slipping. The two weren't the only ones though. As Jisung increasingly struggled with anxiety, Changbin took him to his room and invited his boyfriend Felix along. The Aussie had instantly taken the role of Changbin's caregiver, when the rapper had outed himself. Now they thought, that Jisung might also benefit from establishing a safe place, that he could flee to when things got overwhelming. Though Jisung adored the two littles of the group, it was still strange for him to even try to get into a younger mindset. The first few times were awkward and left the rapper feeling uneasy but the ChangLix couple was patient and gently eased him into it, till slipping came more naturally.

Despite the group being welcoming and open minded, Jisung made his two friends promise him not to tell the others. He was getting closer to Minho recently and though they weren't officially dating or anything yet, they already acted like a couple. The fact that their relationship wasn't established yet made Jisung worry how the older might react. Sure, he envied Changbin for having his boyfriend as his caregiver but he told himself that it was only a matter of time and that when he eventually built the courage to tell Minho, the dancer would accept him like Felix had accepted Changbin. Until then, Changbin and Felix took care of him when he slipped or he slipped together with Changbin, Felix supplying them with juice and snacks, so they wouldn't have to leave the room. Minho wasn't jealous when he watched the September twins get close, they had always been that way, and he and Jisung weren't official yet, so he had no right to call him his. It also eased the dancer's mind when he saw how relaxed Changbin was about the whole situation. The other obviously not worrying in the slightest about Jisung taking his boyfriend from him.

Changbin didn't have a reason to feel jealous, as Felix always made sure to give his boyfriend all the affection he could wish for. The rapper was also well aware of Jisung's feelings towards Minho and knew that the younger would prefer their hyung taking care of him once they had their dynamics worked out. Until then, he'd gladly help his fellow little out, remembering just how though it had been when he first slipped in secrecy. Over time, the trio collected a small assortment of littlegear for Jisung. It wasn't too much yet as the boy hadn't pinpointed his average headspace age. He had a red pacifier, decorated with an acorn, a baby bottle with a little squirrel and red leaves printed on it and his favorite fluffy blanket. The blanket gave him a sense of safety when it felt like way too many eyes were on him. It was black and if he hid under it, he could pretend to melt into the darkness, where nobody could see him.

With another comeback approaching, 3racha started to get busier again after a period of rather relaxed schedules. Despite their dorms being separated, Changbin snuck over to stay with Felix close to every night or he'd text the younger from the studio and ask him to come over to his dorm, so he could join him later. The Aussie usually knew what was up by the location Changbin requested. Since he kept all of his littlegear in his room, it was more convenient for the rapper to be little in his own dorm. If he wanted Felix to go over and wait in his dorm for him, chances were high the older would slip the moment he walked through the door. It had even happened once that he slipped on the way home, which wasn't too big of a deal because Chan and Jisung knew and could make sure he was safe but it caused the other little to struggle with his own headspace, which left Felix with two overworked and sobbing littles to console.

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