Power Outage🌡️

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Sickie: Hyunjin

Caregivers: 3racha

No one's POV.:

An intense storm had been raging for the past days now, with no sign of letting up. Hyunjin had been caught in a sudden downpour when he was walking home after practice on the first evening of the storm. The heavy rain combined with the mercilessly cold winds, had left the dancer chilled to the bone. By the time he had made it to their dorm, his teeth had been chattering so hard, he couldn't get a single sentence out. Chan had hurriedly fetched him a towel before ushering him to the bathroom to take a hot bath. Hyunjin had taken his time, soaking in the hot water, and when he had finally emerged from the bathroom, 3racha had already finished making dinner. The hot bath had made him sleepy and his dormmates had encouraged him to have an early bedtime, hoping he'd stay healthy if he slept enough and would be kept warm by his thick duvet. Changbin had even brought the dancer a hot water bottle to keep at his feet before telling the younger 'good night'.

With the storm too strong to safely leave the building, Chan, Changbin and Jisung worked from their dorm, writing new songs. They even managed to complete a few they have been working on, at least managing to feel a little productive. Hyunjin was the opposite. Though he had gone to bed so early and continued to do so for the next few nights, he always felt so incredibly run down. 3racha didn't really notice as they were too busy working but all the dancer could get himself to do workwise, was stretch his muscles a little and maybe go over some of the slower moves. He felt so incredibly sore, that even the stretching hurt though he usually thought of himself as rather flexible. When his nose started to run, Hyunjin realized that he had been coming down with a cold all along, probably due to getting soaked in the rain.

Not wanting to disturb his friends when they were working, something he too should be doing, Hyunjin holed himself up in his room and started a new painting. He simply didn't have the energy to do much else. Even so, he hadn't been painting for long before his head started to ache and his legs felt weak. Plopping down on his bed, Hyunjin scrubbed at his tired face before plucking a tissue from the box and blowing his nose. Maybe he could make himself a cup of tea before laying down for a nap. Sniffling, the dancer dragged himself out to the kitchen and ran into Chan. The Aussie had just started to prepare lunch, while Changbin and Jisung chopped vegetables at the dining table. Appropriately for the cold season, they wanted to make a hearty soup. That was also when Hyunjin realized that he had completely forgotten about breakfast after sleeping in late.

Not looking up from the pot on the stove, Chan greeted: "Ah, good to see you. Lunch should be ready in about thirty minutes if you wanna join us." Hyunjin knew it would be impolite to turn down the offer, especially when he hadn't seen his friends all morning, but he wasn't really hungry. "Not sure yet", the dancer shrugged, awkwardly scratching his neck, "I'll see if I'll be hungry by then." Chan nodded in acknowledgement as Hyunjin grabbed his steaming cup of tea and shuffled back to his room. Changbin and Jisung made eye contact after overhearing the conversation. Though Hyunjin hadn't officially said 'no' he didn't sound too enthusiastic. They didn't want to read into things but the dancer had seemed uncomfortable. While Jisung continued chopping up the last few pieces, Changbin got out of his seat and washed his hands to go after his donsgaeng.

Changbin lightly tapped the door and quietly slipped into the room when he heard a soft 'yeah?'. He realized the voice had been so muffled because Hyunjin had his face burrowed in some tissues. "Everything okay?", the older asked softly as Hyunjin gave another sniffle before disposing of the used tissue. Following the dancer with his eyes, Changbin noticed the trashcan overflowing with used tissues and hummed: "You're sick, hm? I could hear it in your voice." His dongsaeng only shrugged. "Not really sick but coming down with a cold or something", Hyunjin breathed, massaging his temples. "Headache?", Changbin asked worriedly and the younger nodded. "You should really come and have at least a small serving of soup for lunch. Doesn't have to be much but you could take painkillers as soon as you have something in your tummy", the rapper encouraged and Hyunjin had to agree, sniffling: "Not really hungry but you have a point. 'm just not sure how much I'll be able to force down." – "Doesn't have to be much, it's okay", Changbin repeated before leaving the other to rest, while he'd go talk to their friends.

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