Sickie: Changbin
Caregiver: Hyunjin (Chan & Jisung)
No one's POV.:
With a free weekend ahead of them, Stray Kids had gone out for dinner and to spend some quality time as a group. It had been a while since they had last had a big meal together, so the food was all the more appreciated. Not holding themselves back for once, the boys dug in and it took a while for Changbin to realize his mistake. Sometimes the rapper suffered from indigestion, when he had gone without a regular eating and sleeping pattern, like the past few weeks. He'd eat when he had the time to and felt hungry, whether that was during the day or the night didn't matter all that much and it was similar with sleeping too. He'd just get a few minutes of shut eye whenever there was an opportunity to, in dressing rooms or vehicles didn't matter. That combined with the stress often took a toll on the rapper's stomach and he'd felt some discomfort every time he ate something. It wasn't too bad though, so he didn't hold himself back at the restaurant and happily also tried a few bites of his friends' dishes.
Changbin came to regret that though as his stomach was unusually noisy on their way back and he could tell, it'd take a while for the food to settle. He wasn't too concerned because they had the weekend off and although 3racha planned to go to the studio, his friends would understand if he was tired and wanted to sleep in, so he could join them later in the day. Since Changbin knew he couldn't go to sleep before his dinner had settled properly, he stayed awake for a while, listening to music and scrolling through social media. Already having lost quite a bit of sleep over the past week, he soon started to feel sleepy but he wouldn't make the mistake of laying down quite yet. Changbin knew he'd wake up to heartburn or nausea and wasn't too keen on it on his weekend off, so he forced himself to stay awake and wait for his dinner to be at least somewhat digested. He'd rather feel tired than sick tomorrow.
As more time passed, the rapper had to realize that the turmoil in his stomach wasn't calming down at all. If anything, it only got worse. His stomach wasn't only noisy anymore but had also started to ache. Still determined on just waiting it out, Changbin forced himself to his feet and made his way to the kitchen. Maybe walking would help and he could get himself some water to sip on to help things move along easier. Straightening up, a cramp shot over his abdomen and made the rapper wince in pain. With one arm wrapped protectively around his middle, he slowly made his way to the kitchen. He had become so gassy but every soft burp brought back the taste of his dinner, which freaked him out. Changbin had always had a fear of throwing up, so things like that always made him feel on edge. Walking did seem to help a little though, so the rapper decided against just grabbing himself a bottle of water and instead prepared a cup of ginger tea. He walked in slow circles around the dining table and living room as he waited for the water to boil.
What Changbin hadn't expected was to run into Chan on his way back to his room. The leader gave him a questioning look, confused as to why his dongsaeng would make tea in the middle of the night. He didn't miss the arm protectively wrapped around Changbin's middle and whispered: "Dinner not agreeing with you?" - "Not really", the rapper admitted sheepishly, "It's just not sitting right and I don't want to go to sleep and wake up feeling sick, so I'm trying to get my stomach to calm down before I go to bed." - "So you haven't slept yet?", Chan asked worriedly, noting that it was already way past midnight. The younger shook his head, biting his tongue as another cramp twisted his insides. Walking Changbin back to his room, the Aussie hummed: "Is there anything I can do to help?" The rapper took a seat on his bed and pulled his legs up to his chest, shaking his head. "I'll just sip my tea and wait it out", Changbin muttered, "It should be fine, I should've just paid more attention to my limits." - "Alright", Chan sighed, "Feel better and don't hesitate to wake me if you need anything." The younger thanked him and they parted ways, hoping to catch up on the sleep they had lost.

Fluffy SKZ Oneshots EP.2🧸
FanfictionCute Stray Kids sickfics and littlespace oneshots Requests closed #3 - sickfic (21.10.2022)