Littles: maknae-line
Caregivers: hyung-line
No one's POV.:
It had been a while since Jisung had last slept in this late, well, it had also been a while since they had last had a day off. The rapper had been waiting for this day for what felt like forever. It was his reason to keep going actually. You see, Jisung had been having this persistent headache for the past two weeks, which wouldn't budge even though he took medicine and tried to spend as little time on his phone as possible. It had even gotten to the point that Chan had urged him to see a doctor about it but the appointment was of no use. All the doctor could tell Jisung, was that he was overworked and running on too little sleep. He'd need to catch up on sleep and learn to cope with his work load and stress better if he wanted the headache to improve. Of course, the rapper wanted the headache to go away because he could barely focus on anything and he also stopped enjoying music due to the pain but it wasn't that easy. Jisung would sleep more if he had the time to but they were busy and he didn't want to mess up schedules, so he told himself he'd just have to hold out till their next break and then, he'd follow the doctor's instructions. Besides, he already knew how to deal with his work load and stress, he just hadn't had the time for that lately.
You see, Jisung had been an age regressors since their trainee days and it greatly helped with his anxiety and work stress if he could just escape all of it for some time. Actually, he himself could've figured out that the headache was a result of him neither resting, nor slipping in a long time. Knowing that would change soon though, Jisung had turned off his alarm and used the opportunity of having the day off to sleep in as late as his body demanded, unaware of the chaos that unfolded at the other dorm.
Though Minho had woken up considerably early, he had decided to stay in bed a little longer, watching funny cat videos on his phone. He had his earphones in, so he didn't really hear what was going on outside his room. Seungmin had woken up around the same time as Minho, already in his headspace and ready to start the day. Little Minnie was a very social person though, so before anything else, he had to find one of his friends. Clutching his stuffed puppy to his chest, the vocalist waddled to Jeongin's room and climbed onto the maknae's bed. "Hyung, Minnie wan' pway", Seungmin announced, poking the other's tummy. Pulling his blanket over his head, the younger whined: "Hyung, Innie nuh wanna ge' up." – "Uh no, Innie be wittle too?", Seungmin muttered and instantly stopped bothering Jeongin. Sitting at the foot of his friend's bed, the vocalist contemplated his options while Jeongin went right back to sleep.
Seungmin slipped the ear of his stuffed puppy between his lips and suckled on it as he made his way to Felix' bedroom. The Aussie was always up for cuddles Seungmin reasoned, so he wouldn't mind if he joined him. Clambering onto Felix' legs, the little pouted: "Hyung, wakes ups. Minnie 'n Innie both be wittwe." The dancer didn't stir though and only opened his eyes when Seungmin started to shake his shoulders. A sleepy whimper escaped Felix' lips as he glanced up at the other little. It was already morning? He didn't want to get up. He didn't want to spend the whole day working again. Having slipped incredibly young, Felix couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. He couldn't go to work today. How was he going to do that? Feeling much too tiny to even leave the dorm. His chest hitched as tears sprung to his eyes, leaving Seungmin in a panic. Had he said something wrong?
Sobbing, Felix slipped his thumb between his lips to try and soothe himself, which was when Seungmin knew. "Uh oh", he gasped, "Pixie be wittwe jus' wike Inne an' Minnie. Chu otay, Pixie. 'm sowwy me scaweds chu." Seungmin tried to calm the younger little down but it just wouldn't work. He knew he couldn't go to Jeongin for help, so Minho was their only option. Trying to tug Felix out of bed, so they could go wake their hyung together, the vocalist realized that had gone so deep into babyspace, that he wouldn't be walking anywhere. Seungmin couldn't just leave the other to go and get help though, so with a heavy heart, he decided to leave his plushie behind and instead carry his friend to Minho's room.

Fluffy SKZ Oneshots EP.2🧸
FanfictionCute Stray Kids sickfics and littlespace oneshots Requests closed #3 - sickfic (21.10.2022)