Stress Tummy Ache🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Hyunjin

Caregiver: Jeongin

No one's POV.:

The dance-racha had been working on a new choreography all week and were close to completing it, when their schedules were changed and the time they had planned on using for the new choreography had been filled by interviews and group practices. If they still wanted to get the new choreography done in time, they'd have to work on it in their free time, which was already barely existing to begin with. In other words, they'd have to decide whether sleep or meeting their deadlines was more important and of course, they'd always prioritize meeting their deadlines. When they learned the news, Hyunjin had managed to keep a smile on his face, while Minho looked ready to murder someone and Felix was holding back tears. He tried to hype his friends up, which Minho was truly grateful for because he knew he should be the one being there for his dongsaengs but he was too furious to do so, so if Hyunjin managed to at least comfort Felix, that'd probably the best they could get.

Hyunjin's façade lasted till he parted ways with his fellow dancers, when they returned to their respective dorms that night. He was glad, he was in a dorm with 3racha because the three rappers were busy too and wouldn't pay that close attention to him, so he wouldn't have to pretend everything was fine when it wasn't at all fine. The first thing he did after taking a shower, was to pull out his pacifier and curl up on his bed. He cried hard that night, tugging on his still damp hair in an attempt to pull himself together but it was of little use. Usually, his headspace was a happy place for him but tonight it wasn't. They had managed their time for the choreography in a way that they could meet the deadlines and now all their planning had been for nothing. Had they known about it earlier, they might have been able to speed things up but now they barely had any chance to keep up. It had been quite a while since Hyunjin had last felt this stressed. It was like the world and life was rushing past him, without him having the slightest chance to keep up. Eventually, the little managed to cry himself to sleep but it wasn't a long rest, as he had an early alarm set, so they'd be able to work on their choreography for an hour before starting their official schedule.

When Hyunjin joined Minho and Felix, it was obvious to both of the other dancers that their friend had cried the previous night. His eyelids were still swollen and his brows furrowed, giving away the headache he had developed. Feeling guilty for not being there for his dongsaengs, Minho made sure to take frequent breaks despite their time being limited, so that Hyunjin would get the chance to drink some water to help his headache. They made surprisingly much progress and by the time they joined the rest of the group for their official schedule, Hyunjin did feel a little better. Partly because he wasn't as dehydrated anymore and partly because the progress they had made had calmed his nerves. If they kept going like this, they might actually be able to finish their task before the deadlines.

Later that evening, they met up at the practice room again to continue where they had left off, despite feeling drained from the long day they had had. With the exhaustion weighing them down, they barely made any progress and the glimmer of hope they had found this morning, was gone just as quickly. Hyunjin's routine from the previous night repeated itself, though Felix stopped before entering his dorm, hugging the older tightly, despite their sweat-drenched practice clothes and the Aussie's hug was what got Hyunjin through the night. This time, he filled his sippy cup with water and placed it on the nightstand before allowing himself to slip. Hopefully it'd prevent him from getting another headache. A smile spread on his lips when he found one of Jeongin's sweaters on his bed. The maknae must have noticed that he wasn't having a great day and had provided him with the comfort he needed so badly right now. Jeongin had been Hyunjin's caregiver ever since the dancer had opened up about his littlespace and having grown up as an older sibling, the maknae did an amazing job but not even he could change anything about the stress that their changed schedule put on Hyunjin.

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