Littles: Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Jeongin
Caregivers: Changbin, Minho, Seungmin, Chan
No one’s POV.:
When dividing the group for their new apartments, not much thought needed to be put into who would be living with whom. Considering that half of the members were littles and would struggle with living apart from their caregiver, the dorms were divided into caregiver-little-pairs, so each of the littles would have their main-caregiver with them. That didn’t mean that they didn’t spend time together while in their headspaces though. Especially with Christmas getting closer, the members’ little-sides were giddy as ever and rose closer to the surface, threatening to show during their schedules, so to reward them for their self-control and frequently fighting down the urge to slip, the caregivers had planned a holiday-themed contest for their friends.
The minsung apartment had the biggest kitchen but not by much, while the seunglix place was decorated most extensively, so the agreed to split up. Minho and Jisung would host Changbin and Hyunjin, while Chan and Jeongin would join Seungmin and Felix at their place. Each of the littles had been asked to pick their favorite cookie recipe and would bake with the assistance of their caregiver before the group would meet up at the seunglix dorm to present their work and decided whose cookies turned out the best.
To really make it look like a competition and to show their belonging to a certain team, Chan had gotten them Santa’s hats in different colors. Him and Jeongin wore pink, while Seungmin and Felix wore gold. Changbin and Hyunjin were team purple, while Minho and Jisung wore the classic red. Felix and Jeongin did well with their recipes from the start and had done the most preparation ahead of time. Seungmin knew he wasn’t really needed because Felix could handle himself in the kitchen no matter whether he was big or little. He still stayed close because it helped the dancer stay in his headspace if Seungmin opened the chocolate wrappers for him and chopped the chocolate into smaller bits after Felix had broken it apart, so the little didn’t need to use a knife.
Jeongin too was pretty neat, though he needed far more assistance. Chan had saved the recipe on his phone and had to guide the maknae through every step of the process. “Wha’ now, dada?”, Jeongin pouted with big innocent eyes after finally adding the last ingredient to the bowl. Slipping his phone into his pocket, Chan handed his dongsaeng a wooden spoon and chuckled: “You mix all of that together. Come on, I’ll hold the bowl so you can focus on mixing.”
It hadn’t taken long for Minho to regret offering his kitchen for the competition. “That definitely looks… interesting”, Changbin mumbled, arms crossed. He was still contemplating whether he should intervene, despite his little not yet having asked him for help. Hyunjin and Jisung were already a gamble in the kitchen while in their adult headspaces but there was no amount of supervision that would make them working in the kitchen safe. Glancing at the cupboard a little off to the side, Minho hummed: “That is exactly why you want a high-quality fire extinguisher right in the kitchen.” – “You have a fire extinguisher?!”, Changbin exclaimed, grabbing the bowl just in time before Hyunjin could knock it off the counter. A surprised giggle slipped from the younger’s lips, followed by an amused “oops”. “I live with Jisung”, Minho informed matter of fact, making Changbin snort: “Fair point.”
“Sungie, don’t you think that’s enough chocolate? The recipe calls for 125 grams. That does not look like 125 grams to me”, Minho frowned, making the younger giggle. Popping a chocolate chunk between his lips, Jisung reminded: “Sungie big boy. Me know wha’ doing.” – “I’m not so sure about that, love. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to stick to the recipe?”, Minho challenged, making Jisung shake his head. “’m impwoving da wecipe”, the little pointed out dumping the chocolate chunks into the mixing bowl, “Da mowe choco, da bettew.” At this point, Minho knew there was no arguing with the rapper, so he simply watched curious what the maximum amount of chocolate that could physically be added to cookie dough would be.
Unsurprisingly, their kitchen looked a mess in barely any time but to Minho’s relief, they hadn’t needed the fire extinguisher. To be fair, that was mainly thanks to Changbin, who kept a very close eye on the oven and on his little after hearing: “If we bakes twice as hot, we bakes twice as fast.” Hyunjin’s cookies were only a tiny bit burned and the little didn’t even seem to notice, cheering when Changbin transferred them to the cooling rack for him. Jisung’s cookies were coming apart a bit while baking, the amount of chocolate chunks making it hard for the remaining dough to stick together but the little didn’t see to mind. It was chocolate after all.
Jeongin’s cookies looked the best, which was no surprise because it was pretty much Chan doing all the work and guiding the maknae’s hands. It took the pair the longest though. Felix had chosen the most complicated recipe but he had done well nonetheless. Seungmin gently cleaned the little’s hands with a damp towel before humming: “Why don’t you take Innie and watch some paw patrol, while Channie-hyung and I clean up here?” Nodding obediently, Felix took the maknae’s hand and pulled him to the living room. He offered Jeongin half of his fluffy blanket and the two littles curled up on the couch together, exhausted from their hard work, while their caregivers took care of the mess in the kitchen.
Jisung had apparently entered a sugar rush from snacking while he baked and was now giddily bouncing off the walls. Hyunjin wasn’t usually like this but him and Jisung always seemed to push each other. To keep their dorm from being put into complete disarray, Minho caught Jisung around the waist and pulled him to the living room, where he tightly tucked the rapper into a blanket to trap his arms and smiled: “How about a movie while we wait for your cookies to cool?” Changbin had thrown Hyunjin over his shoulders and now dropped him onto the couch next to Jisung, hoping a movie would distract the two enough for him and Minho to be able to clean up the kitchen. That in itself was already a challenge without two hyper littles bouncing around them.
Minho and Changbin were exhausted by the time the kitchen looked presentable again, grateful that the others would be hosting the cookie tasting. Carefully stacking their cookies into cute biscuit tins, the caregivers called their littles and told them to bundle up nice and warm, so they could walk over to their friends’ dorm. The walk and fresh air helped Hyunjin and Jisung cool down a bit and left them much calmer, each proudly carrying their biscuit tins. Chan let them into the apartment and smiled when Hyunjin immediately dashed to the living room, throwing himself at Jeongin. Their maknae really was everyone’s soft spot. Urgently thrusting the cookies into Minho’s hands, Jisung pouted: “Howd dis.” As soon as Minho had taken a hold of the cookies, the younger was gone too, clambering onto the couch next to Felix and clinging to the Aussie’s side.
While Chan had let their friends in, Seungmin had heated up some milk and joined them with four sippy cups. “Your cups are in the kitchen, hyungs”, the vocalist informed the other caregivers as he distributed the sippy cups between the littles, “Are you ready to try the cookies you worked so hard for?” Changbin removed the lids from the biscuit tins and lined them up on the coffee table. The TV had been turned off by now and a soft Christmas playlist played in the background, the littles all cozy under Felix’ fluffy blanket. Jeongin innocently sucked on his sippy cup when Chan handed him a cookie, instructing: “Try and let us know what you think, okay, honey?” The maknae nodded, pushing the cookie into his mouth whole. Felix cutely nibbled the edges of his cookie, giggling at the way Jisung’s cheeks puffed up.
They tried from each of the tins, the caregivers more skeptical than their littles. There wasn’t really much of a debate about who had won their bake-off because Felix’ cookies had left all of them in awe. The Aussie simply knew what he was doing when it came to baking and him being in his headspace didn’t change that in the slightest. Jisung’s chocolate puddles needed a lot of milk to rinse them down but despite their interesting look, they didn’t turn out too bad taste-wise. Changbin had had to chop the edges off of some of their cookies because they had ended up more than a bit crispy and while the cookies were a little dry, they still tasted good with some warm milk.
Jeongin didn’t really care how his cookies turned out, more enthusiastic about cuddling up with his friends and having Chan feed him. He still beamed whenever one of the members praised his cookies, clapping his hands as he wiggled in place. While the contest had certainly been stressful for some of them, they were all glad that they had taken the gamble to give the littles a fun afternoon and to enjoy some little-time after pushing their headspaces down for so long. Besides, with how many cookies they had ended up with, they’d have a stash to take to the studio with them as a little snack whenever work got frustrating.

Fluffy SKZ Oneshots EP.2🧸
FanfictionCute Stray Kids sickfics and littlespace oneshots Requests closed #3 - sickfic (21.10.2022)