Snappy Puppy🍼🌡️

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Sickie/Little: Seungmin

Caregivers: Stray Kids

No one's POV.:

For the past week, Seungmin had given the rest of the group a hard time. He had been in a bad mood and had made sure everyone knew it. The members eventually started to avoid him and avoid talking to him as much as they could, holding out for the weekend. They'd have the weekend off and figured their friend was grumpy because he hadn't slipped in a while but he should be fine if he'd spend the weekend in his headspace. Until then, they'd just have to try and prevent a fight, even though it seemed like Seungmin was looking for one. It had been a while since they had last seen anything other than a frown on the vocalist's lips and no matter how hard they tried to cheer him up, he only had snappy remarks in return. He wasn't usually that grumpy but it probably wasn't easy to go without slipping, so they tried not to judge him. Though his rude comments hurt, the members tried not to take them to heart. Seungmin was just grumpy and didn't mean for his words to be so hurtful, they reminded themselves. They'd just have to make it till the weekend.

Seungmin hadn't been feeling his best for a few days already, the lingering headache unlike anything he had ever experienced before. It made is face ache and his hearing sound funny but maybe that was just because his seasonal allergies had made his sinuses stuffy, so the pressure centered there instead of the back of his head, where it usually hurt when he didn't slip enough. The members' noise easily got too much for the boy. Why couldn't they just shut up for once? They kept fooling around, making jokes and delaying their work. Couldn't they see that he just wanted to get everything over with? Seungmin went straight to his room every evening after practice, craving the privacy and quiet it provided. The only reason he left his room was to take a shower and eat dinner. He didn't really have an appetite and for some reason his jaw hurt but he forced himself to eat anyway, just so he could take some painkillers afterwards and go to bed, hoping a healthy amount of sleep would fix his discomfort but it didn't really.

The weekend came and the members stayed back at their dorms. If Seungmin ended up slipping, which they assumed he would, they all wanted to be there for him. After letting him sleep in late, of course. The vocalist had barely gotten any sleep that night. His headache had shifted and it wasn't even his head hurting anymore. The pain was mainly in his left ear, along with the left side of his head and jaw. He didn't even feel too stuffed up but his hearing had become muffled, so he wasn't sure what to make of it anymore. Weekends were usually meant to be his little-time but right now, he just wanted his blanket cocoon to swallow him up and only spit him out once the pain was gone. Whenever that might be.

Seungmin laid curled up in bed, having only gotten a little sleep in short intervals. The pain had frequently woken him up and by the time the sun rose, he wasn't only in pain but also exhausted. It was frustrating. He rarely had the time to get the amount of sleep that he needed and now that he had, he couldn't. The painkillers he had taken the previous evening, had barely dulled the pain and he felt out of options. Still, this was supposed to be his little-time and he wasn't going to miss out on it just because his body had decided to be a meanie. Snuggling deeper into his blanket, Seungmin hugged his stuffed puppy and closed his eyes. He failed to go back to sleep and instead allowed a few silent tears to spill down his face, soaking into the soft material of his blanket. Even as he started to feel a tiny bit hungry, the vocalist didn't want to leave his room, appreciating the quiet. Sure, it were only Minho, Felix and Jeongin bustling around their shared dorm, the other members not having come over yet, but those were still too much for him to handle right now.

Eventually, the pain got unbearable and Seungmin decided to give painkillers another try, although they had failed him the previous night. Roughly scrubbing away the tears with the cuffs of his sleeves, the little untangled himself from his blanket and clutched his plushie. Upon rolling out of bed, Seungmin had a hard time standing up straight. He swayed on his feet as the room tipped sideways, almost knocking him to the floor. Pouting softly, he plopped down on his bottom and crawled towards his bedroom door. He didn't want to fall and hurt himself even more. Dragging his puppy with him was difficult but Seungmin needed the comfort his favorite plushie provided and couldn't leave him behind. He ended up pushing the soft comfort item in front of him as he crawled to the kitchen, planning to just have a small bite before taking some medicine and curling back up in bed. Seungmin even managed to get to the kitchen without any of his caregivers noticing him. They sat in the living room, playing video games, while the vocalist stayed as quiet as he somehow could.

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